Sequel: Always Attract
Status: Complete. Watch for Sequel.

Still So Young


In a blink of an eye, Bredon ran across the room, closing himself behind the pantry door as my mother walked threw the doorway.

"What are you doing home?" she asked, giving me a strange look. "And who were you talking to?"

I shrugged, "I don't feel good." I coughed lightly, "I wasn't talking, it hurts to talk mom." I said with a raspy voice. She gave me a sympathetic smile as she walked over, placing her hand across my forehead.

"You do feel a little warm." she said, feeling the sides of my face. "Well I want you to rest, and have some soup." she smiled. "I'm gonna call in an hour to check up on you." I smiled back as she walked out of the room. As I heard her footsteps nearing the door I heard her call back, "And you can tell your friend he can come out now. Be safe you two!"

She laughed lightly while opening the front door, just as Brendon emerged from the pantry, a blush across his face. "She doesn't care?" he asked, taking a seat next to me at the table.

"Nah, I guess not." I shrugged, finishing my poptart. I stood up, walking over to Brendon chair, smiling at him. "So... where were we?" I asked stradling his lap, as my fingers played with his hair.

Smiling he wrapped his arms around my waist, tilting his head in to mine, connecting our lips once again. "Now I remember." I smiled as we pulled away.

Sooner than expected it heated up though, as his tounge slipped past my lips, my fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt. I could feel his heart beating wildly as my hands ran across his bare chest. His own hands had settled on the flesh of my hip bones, beneath the thin material of my shirt, rubbing my sides softly.

I trailed my lips down his neck, stopping at a spot in the crook of his neck. A small gasp escaped his lips and he pushed his hips up lightly, against mine. Something poked my thigh, and it definitly wasn't his cell phone, which was up in my room.

"M-Maybe we should stop." he breathed out. I pulled away, looking in his eyes.

"Maybe. I said, shyly. Climbing from his lap you could slightly see his excitement and he blushed, getting up too.

"Sorry." he said, his head down as we both made our way up the stairs.

"Don't be." I giggled as we walked in to my room, climbing on to my bed.

Together we laid their watching movies all day, not even worrying about school, or what everyone else was doing. Both of our cell phones laid off on my dresser, where our backpacks laid besides them.

For now it was just the two of us, and I was fine with that. If only it could last forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
short. stupid. ha
thank you to everyone whose commented already(: