Sunset Academy


I smiled to myself while listening to music in the backseat of the car. My mother was driving me to this Sunset Academy, where they would make my life somewhat easier. I don’t see how, I have panic attacks that cannot be predicted, which easily messes with my life. I remember when I was ten, I had a panic attack at my birthday party, it was so embarrassing. Now I look back at my past attacks and thank god, it wasn’t as bad as it is now.

Now, its even harder to clam myself down after an attack has started. Also the attacks start, because I’m afraid of having an attack. The fear of having one is so great that I start one myself, which causes me to have another one. Its quite complicated, and annoying. I dislike those moments it feels like someone is crushing down on my lungs, making it hard to breath.

Apparently, this academy will help me through my problem, even though I’ve never heard of it. Sunset Academy is new to me, I hope that it will help me with my struggle. Because, I cannot go on like this, freaking out over anything and everything, my mother and father have tried tons of school for the disabled, but when will they learn they never work? I hated having to make new friends be driven everywhere, I just wanted to stay in one place. A place that I can say is my school, not a place that I say, oh I went there.

Sighing I looked up at the sky thinking about this new school, will it be like the others? Will it be amazing like they say it is? I want to be free from this illness, or at least have it under control. “We’re almost there” my mother announced interrupting my thoughts.

“How much longer?” I asked looking ahead.

“Five minutes.” She answered happier, most likely ready to get ride of my panic attacks and me. Ever well then, I will find something here, I have a feeling that I will get better, that I will find something I’ve never had before, a life. This disability has taken it over and I want it back.

I can’t do anything really with out a sudden attack of fear or getting a racing heart. These moments suck, I want them gone, I continue to think while the cars pulls into a docking station. Breathing out heavily, I get out of the car and walk to the trunk. Pulling up the hood, I grab my items and slam the trunk shut.

“Its going to be alright sweetie, you’ll have a great time, I promise.” My mother stated as she hugged me and ushered me to the boat, where she squeezed me one last time and kiss my fore head before entering her red SUV, and leaving. Sighing I climbed aboard the boat, and looked for an empty seat. Finally, I found one next to a kind elderly lady, who talked to me the whole why to the island, where the school was placed.

Enjoying the breeze from the boats moment I didn’t notice the school was coming into eyesight, but when I finally looked up I gasped at what I saw.