Sunset Academy


Getting of the boat I walked off the to get my dorm number and key. Which was really difficult since I kept bumping into others. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the sky, it was so beautiful just like the school beneath it. Sighing I walked up the door number I was assigned and walked in setting my things down I deiced it was to nice to stay in here. Classes don’t start till tomorrow anyway, so I took a walk.

The school was beautiful I spent hours, tracing the angles of the of the building, it helped me forget that I was here alone, without my mother. I choked back a waved of panic as I remembered and sighed as I looked at the clouds. “Miss are you lost?” A kind voice asked from behind me.

“Nope.” I smiled and returned to the clouds. I heard footsteps walk away as I stared off into the distance. I thought about how I missed my mother, staring into the peaceful clouds, and how I was afraid of this huge place I’m in. Surprisingly I didn’t panic. I didn’t suck in a breath of fright, or get up and run from my fears. There’s something about this place that made me at peace, there was only one place like that other than this one.

I thought back to my grandmother’s home, the kind, old woman with red hair and green eyes that she hid behind glasses. Her home and just being with her made me peaceful. Her personality made you want to huge her, she was so kind, and when I was going through rough times, I would stay with her.

We would stay up till the moon touched the stars, just talking, the smell of her cookies would make me smile. We would bake, shop, create and just talk about anything. She was my best friend, one of my only friends, and most of all she understood me. She had a similar disability as me, but hers she could, and did, grow out of, but she can still remember how it felt to have an attack.

That’s only one this me and my grandmother have in common, we have many others like our green eyes, and brown hair, our love of reading and drawing, heck even our names. Ivy Marie Summers, I was named after her, and I look just like her. Its amazing what things happen with in a family isn’t it?

When my grandmother died a year ago, I knew nothing could get me through this. My hope had left me when she did, but somehow, I’m still hoping. I guess she came back and made me hope. That must be why I look at the sky, because something inside of me knows that she is up there looking down at me helping me through this mess of a situation.

Sighing I got up some tears trickled down my face and I quickly wiped them away as I walked to find my room. Passing others stared at me, most likely wondering why I was crying, why here, why now. I nodded toward them and walked to the room I left my bags in, before walking in, I read my name off the board and smiled. Opening the door I walked in and sat down on my bed letting there tears stain my cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, It took so long.
School sucks! haha
Hope you enjoyed the chapter,
The Only Exception.