Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

The first meeting

I was nearing the end of my first year at Salem Witches Institute when I received a letter from my mom. We were moving; I could not simply believe it. Moving? Why would we be moving? I just started to make good friends with a few girls and my grades were doing fine. What on Earth would make dear mother and father want to move? And where!?

Honey, I know this is all of a sudden, but your father and I are planning to move. Call when you have no classes, I'll tell you the details.

Love, mom.

That's all she stated, to call her. Oh boy, would I call her when I got the chance. Why would she want to pull her eleven year old daughter out of her brand new school; if I were her, I'd be overly proud that my daughter is a witch!

After my potions class, for the first years, it was our break hour. I took that and rushed to my dorm room. Hastily, I dialled my home phone number. How I wished someone would just answer the phone!

"Hello? Abbie, dear?"

"Mom? I received your letter. . ." A very faint sob could be heard as I held back my tears. "W-why are we moving? Where are we moving? I thought you wanted me to go to this school?"

"Calm down, sweetheart," my mother said in a soothing tone. She always did know when I was getting awfully upset. "We're moving to London in a few days; your father got an excellent job working at the British Ministry of Magic! We won't have to struggle to pay for your school anymore. Money won't be a problem! You need to pack up your things tonight, your father and I will be coming to pick you up tonight, dear. We already talked to both schools, every thing's all set. I love you, Abbie."

I heard a dial tone suddenly. Love you too, mom. Dismally I packed my things. I couldn't believe what I had just heard an hour ago. London? What on God's Earth was there for us besides money? What was there for me? I let out a soft sigh.

London, here I come.

My parents took me to Diagon Alley to get some new school supplies, apparently, this new school called Hagwards or something, needed different supplies than my old school. The weirdest thing on the list was animals. Why would we need animals? Odd.

After I had gotten new dress robes and cauldrons, we headed down to Flourish and Blotts. Some book store, I guess. I held tightly the list of books I needed. I knew my parents wanted to take a look around, it was our first time in all these shops after all. Ignoring my meddlesome parents, I took this opportunity to look for the books on my own. I was going to turn twelve in a few weeks; I'm old enough to do this on my own now.

First book on the list was The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk. Hm. Boy was this going to take a while to find it. I still was amazed by how many books there were. After about five minutes of looking, I was starting to just give up. Where was it? As I peered around, looking for someone to help me, I saw a boy who looked about the age of fourteen. He was really handsome: tall, thin, red hair, couldn't get any better!

"Uhm. . .excuse me!" I spoke out with my tiny voice, looking up at the boy. He turned around, looking for someone who was talking to him. It took him a few moments before looking down at me, responding.

"Yes? Are you lost?"

I blushed slightly. He even had a dreamy accent. "No, not particularly. . . . I just need some help finding a book. This is my first time at Diagon Alley, and I don't even know where to start to look."

His lips curled into a smile. "First year, are ya?" It was starting to look more like a devilish smile if you ask me. I had to correct him, I may have a petite, very thin frame, but I was going to be a second year.

"No, second year. I just moved to here a few weeks ago. I'm Abbigail Haywood." I introduced myself as I extended my small hand, smiling innocently.

"I'm Fred Weasley." He shook my hand firmly, smiling still.

All of a sudden, I felt like someone who was standing behind me, looking over my shoulders. I sheepishly turned my head and jumped slightly. What was Fred doing behind me?

"But I thought I'm Fred, George?"

"No, you're George, Fred."

"But Fred is a name given to a more attractive looking person! And I clearly am more attractive than you."

I spoke up softly, "but you look identical . . ."

"Oi! Smart we have here. First year asking for help, George?"

"Nah, she's a transfer. Second year, Fred."

"E-excuse me, but may I ask which one is Fred and which is George?"

The one who I asked for help spoke up. "I'm actually George." He said as he patted my back. "Just trying to mess with ya."

"We do that to all new students." They both said in unison.

I nodded, still at sea with the whole twin thing. I slowly extended my hand to the twin who was apparently really Fred. "I'm Abbigail Haywood."

"Nice to meet you, Abbigail," after he said it was nice to meet me, he looked at his twin. "We should hurry up. Mum said we're leaving soon. What book are you looking for Miss Abbigail?"

"Oh. . . . Uhm. . .The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk."

The same devilish smile appeared on the other twin's lips. They really did seem alike. "Alright, I'll go look over here." As Fred talked, he gave George a certain look, which of course, I had no idea what it meant.

While George and I kept searching for the book close together, Fred came back a few minutes later with a book titled The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2. I smiled and thanked him. As the twins beamed at each other, I opened the book and read the title page Flesh-Eating Trees of the World.

"But why does the cover say something different from the title in the book?" I had a very befuddled look on my face. As I looked up at them, they both started grin.

George tapped the book twice before the title turned into the real cover. He took the book out of my hand before giving me the real book I was looking for. I kept eyeballing them before laughing, they were pretty funny.

"Fred! George! Let's go! We need to make a few more stops!" Called out from a very motherly voice. A short, plump, red-haired woman came near us. "Ah, hello dear! Hope they've behaved themselves." She said and she hit them lightly on their arms. "I'm Mrs. Weasley, who are you?"

I smiled nervously. Boy, was I bad at talking to people. It's like I'm two different people; when I talk and in my mind. "I'm Abbigail Haywood."

"No need to be nervous, dear! Sorry to take them away, but we have more shopping. Pleasant to meet you, Abbigail, good luck at Hogwarts!"

"Thank you."

Fred and George smiled before turning to leave, I quickly grabbed the back of George's shirt, trying to speak out loud. Damn being too nervous. After he looked back, I felt my cheeks turn red. "U-uh. . . . I just wanted to thank you."

"No problem, Abbigail. See you at school."

"You. . .can call me Abbie."

"Alright, Abbie. See you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it's bad. I haven't written a fan fic in years, and this is the first time I've ever written in first person. Chapter two should be out soon. (: Please comment to tell me what you think or what I could work on, please!