Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Princesses and Mudbloods

Breakfast was fine, until she got there. I was sitting in between Fred and George as normal. Every so often they'd whisper, asking how I was holding up. It was rather sweet of them to care so much. I will admit, I had a hard time when I wasn't distracted. When I laid down in bed, I would always cry. I yawned as I finished my toast. I always ate rather fast. Harry looked at me in surprise.

"Abbie, you're done eating?"

"Hm? Oh, well, yeah. Why?"

". . .You put the food on your plate no longer than two minutes ago and you didn't take just a little bit."

I laughed slightly as I rested my chin on my hand. "Well, you see, us Americans are daft and don't know how to chew our food. We kind of just inhale it."

"Wouldn't you choke if you inhaled your food?" Ron asked while Hermione looked at him as if he were a five-year-old who knew nothing.

All of us started laughing. Within a few minutes, Louise came and put her books down, sitting next to Hermione quietly. Hermione sat across from me, Ron across from George, and Harry across from Ginny whom was sitting next to George. "Nice of you to finally join us, my dear." George pretended to bow like she was royalty. Why on Earth did he bow to her? Because she was his twin's girlfriend? This only got more odd when Fred spoke up.

"My lady, please excuse the actions of my horrid brother." He bowed as well. 'My lady'? Really? This was getting annoying, fast. Matter of fact, it was annoying as soon as George bowed.

Louise had a confused look on her face, "why are you acting like I'm a queen of something?"

"Well, you'd obviously be a princess." George took a sip out of his pumpkin juice, smiling. Ugh, I pretended to gag. Only Harry and Ron caught on, who were snickering quietly.

"Well, George, she is one." Louise started blushing almost as instant as the want to buy something at Hunnyduke's.

Hermione looked over at Louise and smiled slightly, "aw, that's adorable."

I was only annoyed at this time. But the next time George spoke up, I got pissed.

"Well, she is quite adorable. Anyone could see that." As soon as he said that, I felt sick. I grew rather angry with him as I stood up and shoved him in his seat, making it look like an accident. He bumped into Ginny, I felt bad. I would apologize her later. Storming out of the Great Hall, I ran up the Grand Staircase, getting a little woozy as they moved. I had always gotten sick as they moved. I didn't really like them.

I got into the common room and walked into my dormitory, looking in my trunk for my book for my next class; potions. I despised that class to an extent. Being rather good in it, you can't completely dislike it. I sat in the common room couch, waiting for it to be time to get to potions.

Almost falling asleep, I was woken up by none other than George Weasley. "You should be heading down to Potions soon, am I walking you to class?" He questioned as he took my book out of my hands while I stood up, talking over to the other side of the couch.

"I guess you can." I sighed out. Did I really want him to walk me to class? Not in the least bit. When we got out of the common room, George started asking me questions.

"So what was up with shoving me?"

I rolled my eyes as we stood there, waiting for the stairs to finish its shift. "So what's up with kissing me and then going on about how anyone could see that your brother's girlfriend's adorable?" I mimicked him as I looked straight forward, a rather straight look upon my face.

"Abbigail, are you jealous?"

"Are you an idiot?"

"What has gotten into you? It was a joke. Plus, that kiss was just a kiss — an accident. I didn't mean anything by it." I wanted to cry as soon as he said that. We walked down in the dungeon.

While George thought I was being just jealous, I turned around, yelling at him angrily for the very first time. "What has gotten into me?! What the hell has gotten into you?! You kiss me and then you go off calling your brother's girlfriend cute! I don't see it as a joke, George! And I don't care if it was an 'accident' or not! You leaned in the kiss and so did I! You would have pulled back immediately if it were just a mere accident! Now good bye, George Weasley." I turned around and stormed off. I was not only jealous and mad, but I was disappointed. My first kiss, an 'accident'? Who does he think he is? Fooling around with my feelings.

My cheeks were growing red as I walked into potions, having the biggest urge to cry. I sat next to Louise, the only available seat. How much did I not want to? I think you can figure that much out. "Hello," she said friendly.

I didn't even look at her. I kept looking forward. "Hi."


"I'm dandy. Why do you ask?" Still no eye contact.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Yeah right, stop trying to act like we're close friends. We've never really even liked each other. If we were never in the same dorm or both close to the twins, neither of us would have ever talked to each other our entire lives.

It was the free period. Only reason we had a free period was because Professor Sprout was sick with the flu. Normally, we wouldn't get a free period until our 6th year, really. George walked into the common room who was looking weird. I don't even know how to explain it. Louise was sitting on the couch, I got up and out of a chair and walked past George, bumping his shoulder hard once more. I could hear Fred asked what he did to get me mad. I decided not to stick around to hear the conversation.

I met up with Harry, Ron and Hermione and decided to spend a couple hours with them. I only found Ron and Hermione, they were going to go pick up Harry from detention. When we saw Harry, he looked horrified.

"Harry," Hermione started, "what're we—"

"SHH!" Harry shushed her. What on Earth was going on? After a few seconds, he spoke once more. "It's going to kill someone!" Kill someone?! What was?

He began to run, despite being afraid and not knowing what to do, we ran after him. We said nothing as we followed. When we stopped, Ron wiped the sweat off his face. "Harry, what was all that about? I couldn't hear anything. . ."

"Nor could I, Harry. What were you even talking about? You were scaring us. . ." I looked at him, the shocked look still upon my face.

Hermione gave a loud, sudden gasp as she pointed down the corridor. Something was written on the wall, huge and it looked like in blood. Blood.


I started to shake, it was possibly the most frightening thing I've ever seen. What was the Chamber of Secrets? Why was it so freaky?

"What's the thing — hanging underneath?" Ron's bottom lip quivered.

We all inched nearer and near as we tried to see the shadow underneath the creepy writing. Harry almost slipped in a puddle, but Hermione, Ron and I caught him. I was the first to realize what was hanging, I gasped loudly and jumped back. The three of them did to when they realized what it was. Mrs. Norris was hanging by her tail. She looked as stiff as a wooden board, her eyes widened and staring. None of us dared to move until Ron spoke up. "We should get out of here." Harry said we should try to help or something.

"Trust me, we don't want to be seen here."

But it was too late for that. There was a huge crowd around us on each side of the corridor. Everyone started talking as I just stared horrified. Someone was pushing to the front of the crowd as they yelled "Enemies of the heir, beware! You'll be next Mudbloods." I saw Draco Malfoy slowly turn to Hermione and I. "Especially Granger and the American." I had never been called that before. My parents were great people. So what if all four of my grandparents were Muggles? And so what if I'm born to two magical people who don't have any 'magic' blood in them? I'm proud to be who I am. My eyes became teary slowly. I didn't want to stick around to see what happened next, not after what Draco had said to me. I ran past the crowd, even though I saw Fred and George walk towards the front of the crowd, I just kept running. I could hear Fred and George yelling at Draco. I didn't care, I couldn't even make out what they were saying anyways, I kept running until I ran into someone — Lockhart. I excused myself and continue to run.

No longer than fifteen minutes later, I got a message, saying I was to report to Lockhart's office immediately; I knew it was because of I was one of the first people to see what happened.
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So. lol. I'm really sorry I made Christmas before this night, which is supposed to happen on Halloween. So please excuse my mistake and we'll just pretend and go along with it.

Next few chapters are going to get interesting.