Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

The menacing yellow eyes

I smiled at George as he looked up at me in his bed, his hand in mine. One would think the skin on a beater's hand would be rough from all the work they have to do in a Quidditch game, but in reality, his hands were soft. My cheeks couldn't help but to flush a soft pink. George seemed to notice, because he seemed to smile oddly at me; it wasn't until my face turned a very light pink that he did so. He rubbed my knuckles softly. Worried was probably obviously apparent in my eyes.

"Abbie, be careful. I'm fragile, I could break any time!" He mumbled as I squeezed his hand slightly tighter.

Not being able to hold it any longer, "sorry, I'm just worried about you." It wasn't long after that I blushed a slightly deeper colour. My cheeks probably the shade of a light pink rose.

"You should be! It's your entire fault my ribs and arm are broken! Oh, I'm in so much pain. . . . Don't touch me!" He yelled over dramatically, a smile filled his face.

"Oh, you poor, poor child," I gasped just as dramatically as I stood up, speaking sarcastically. "I'll get Madam Pomfrey and tell her you're in more pain. Maybe she'll give you more of that yummy medicine!"

A tug on my hand made me turn, looking down at George, both of us smiling, I knew George was trying to lighten the mood of everyone getting hurt. "Oh no, I don't want Madam Pomfrey to waste her time on me! She has other students in here that need more attention than lil'o me." A small laugh left my lips as I slowly sat down.

"Hopefully you won't have to stay here much longer," I said, worry probably filling my eyes once more. I just wanted him out of there.

My blue hues slowly wandered around the room, I saw Louise and Harry. Harry was talking to Ron and Hermione about how much of an idiot Lockhart was. I couldn't help but to chuckle as Ron started mimicking him. Then, Louise came into my view once more. She was out like a light. What had seemed her sleeping peacefully, we didn't know what it was. Madam Pomfrey said he didn't know how long it would be until she woke up.

As I was in a trance like state, staring at Louise, wondering when she would wake up, Fred spoke up. "Abbie, that could've waited until the game was over."

I looked over at Fred and blinked, coming out of the trance. "I noticed his game was down since we started fighting, I thought if I were to tell him that I was sorry, he'd be back to normal. I didn't want to say sorry until I meant it." George looked from me to Fred.

"It was the same thing when Lo yelled at George during Quidditch tryouts."

My eyebrows knitted. "That was different, he turned to see what she said and stopped paying attention. It wasn't till about a minute later of me screaming that, he crashed into Louise." It sounded like I was blaming George, I didn't want to seem that way. I just didn't want to get yelled at for something that I know I didn't cause. It was no one's fault, it was an accident.

"Fred, she's right. It wasn't till later I flew into Lo after I had heard what she said."

"Yes, that's why it's her fault! You flew into Lo after!"

My eyes dropped to the ground like someone drops when getting shot in the head. My face grew hot, my cheeks were red, I just knew it. As my hand fell limply out of George's, I got up and turned around, "I should probably go study for Potions, Snape's probably giving us a quiz sometimes, I need to keep my grades up in that class. Feel better, George. I hope Louise's okay, Fred."

When I left the Hospital wing, I headed right for the hospital wing, tears slowly made their way down my rosy cheeks. I tried to stop crying, I didn't want to be know as the sensitive girl who a bunch of bad things happened to her. Alot of bad things seemed to happen to me, it was like they were attracted to me. Maybe one day, everything would go right?

By the time I reached the common room and mumbled the password: flibbertigibbet. I sat at a table, studying Potions for a little bit. Sure, I wasn't half bad a Potions, but that was only because I studied it so much for endless hours in the common room. Usually I'd sit on one end of the couch, George sitting next to me, my legs in his lap and Fred sitting on the floor, facing us. Or the twins would switch places, it was really which ever twin decided to be used as a leg rest. While I would study, the plans of pranks could be heard from them. But today was obviously different; the both of them being in the hospital wing. It was really hard for me to concentrate. I let out a sigh.

About three hours later, Fred came back in the common room. I only caught a glimpse of him as he walked in, I didn't want to attempt to make eye contact, or even look at him. He sat down at a table and started talking to Angelina. I got up quickly and sat on the couch next to Hermione, who was carrying out a conversation with Ron. The furniture was always so comfortable; being made out of red, soft, delicate fabric. You'd think it'd be tough by now, for how many years it's been sat on, but it was quite the opposite.

"I really hope Louise is okay, I heard she hasn't woken up yet." You could jut hear the worry in Hermione's voice. I let out a soft sigh.

"She'll be fine," Ron placed his hand on her shoulder. "She's been through alot. Remember last year? She's tough."

I said nothing as I read through my essay, checking for any mistakes that Snape wouldn't think twice about taking points off for. Colin Creevey walked by me, tripping over my foot. I quickly helped him before he fell, looking up at him. I felt so bad. "I-I'm so sorry, Colin! I didn't think my foot was in the way."

He smiled as he fixed his camera. I loved that about this kid, his love for cameras. Amazing things they were, Muggle ones were somewhat boring. But magic ones, I had a great interest in those. The way they could capture a picture, and it'd move, having the moment forever with you. And not just a simple, boring photograph with no one moving. "It's fine, Abbigail, don't worry about it! I should've watched where I was going."

I stood up at looked into his eye, I was about eye level with him. "That's a cool camera, it's very nice."

His face almost instantly lit up. "Really? Thanks! I'm about to go take some photos, want to come along with me? We can talk about cameras, if you'd like. I know alot about them."

I kindly took his offer. How was I to refuse? The subject at hand interested me, and I had just tripped him accidentally. He was a nice boy, Colin. Only talking to him a few times while being at Hogwarts, I could already tell how kind he was. After thirty minutes of walking, I stared out the windows as we walked. I saw Colin's reflection, so I felt like I was looking out a lens and seeing what was happening, just like when he was walking, his camera was up to his eye, and he saw Hogwarts, not through his eyes, but through the lens. I noticed, Colin took a picture, and then froze, he fell back, like a frozen popsicle stood up straight. Something was up, what had happened? Did someone hex him? I shifted my eyes in the window frame. My eyes slowly met with a pair of horrifying yellow ones. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen, a huge snake. Before I knew that my eyes had locked on with this beast's, my entire body froze. And from that moment on, I have no idea what is ahead of me. For I cannot see, hear, think, nothing. It was like. . .being frozen in time, everything just. . . .

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READ! So, one more chapter till I start the new series!
Which will be out tomorrow.
So keep an eye out. ;)
You don't wanna miss it!

Sorry if it was bad, I just kinda wanna hurry up and get to the next year!