Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Hogwarts Express

It was a few weeks after meeting some people who were going to school with me; the Weasley twins. I was finishing packing for school, the date being August 31st. That was like me though, doing most of the packing on the last day before I leave. But in doing that, it gave me time to make a check list. I was rather an unorganized-organized person. My new cat laid on my bed and watched me as I packed things away. He was beautiful cat, very fluffy. He was two shades of orange and white.(Picture of him at the bottom!) I named him Riku. I don't know why, I just thought it fit him. He's over fluffy, too, only about 3 months old. As he purred, I looked at my list, looking at the book section.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2
Break with a Banshee
Gadding with Ghouls
Holidays with Hags
Travels with Trolls
Voyages with Vampires
Wanderings with the Warewolves
Year with the Yeti
7 journals

As I found each book, I crossed it off on the list. There was one book I couldn't find. The one that George found for me. Where could it be? I looked all over my room. I even asked my cat to help me. Much help he was. All he did was lay down on something. After about five minutes, I just looked at him.

"What are you doing? I thought you were gonna help me. . ."

That's when I noticed. Riku was laying on the book I had asked him to help me look for. Good cat. I smiled and picked him up into my arms, cradling him and petting him, he responded by purring. After a few minutes of praising my cat, I deliberately put my cat back on the bed where there was only sheets, making sure he wasn't laying on anything else I needed.

The books were the last thing I needed to finish packing. I dispatched down the stairs to tell my dad. When I did, I discovered that dinner was done. I sat down on the seat, waiting for the food to hit the table.

It wasn't long after dinner that my mom was hurling me off to bed. I had to be up early the next morning seeing as the train left at exactly 11 AM sharp.

We arrived at King’s Cross Station at about ten o’clock. As we looked about the station for the platform 9 and ¾, my parents kept blabbing on about how they were gonna miss me. I don’t see why they were gonna miss me so much, wasn’t I gone for quite a few months when I went to Salem? Sometimes, I don’t get them. My dad pushed the carriage as I held the cage that Riku was in. Poor thing, he kept mewing as if to beg me to let him out. I wanted to so badly. I kept telling him how I was going to let him out once on the train if there were doors.

The time flew by. By the time I was boarding the train, it was 10:55. I said my goodbyes to my parents and got on the train to look for a place to sit. Maybe even make friends of some sort. I had walked through an entire coach of the train before moving to the next one. The one that I was looking through was for the upper years, I’m guessing 7-5th years. As I reached the coach with the younger years, I couldn’t find any compartments free. However, about 15 minutes of slow searching, I found one that only had three people in it. I never quite looked to see who was inside, how stupid of me. When I looked at the girl, I opened the compartment slowly and popped my head in, asking politely and nervously if I could sit with her.

“U-uhm. . . . Excuse me. . . . But I can’t find any free compartments open, and I just need a seat, I’m very quiet and you won’t even know I’m here. . .”

“Abbie? Of course you can sit with us! We’re not going to kick you out and make you sit with wankers out there.” Said a familiar voice.

I looked over quickly and noticed that it was one of the twins, they were both sitting next to each other. I couldn’t figure out which one had said it. But then, it came to me, I told George that he could call me ‘Abbie.’

“Hm? Oh, wow. Thank you, George.”

I smiled as I sat down next to the girl and smiled up at her. “First year?” She asked me. I was quick to shake my head. It seemed a lot of people thought I was in my first year. Maybe it was because of the lack of knowing other people?

“N-no, I’m a second year. But, it’ll be my first year at Hogwarts. I’m a transfer student from the States, you see.” I still couldn’t believe how nervous I was. Maybe it was because I didn’t know her and didn’t want to make a bad impression or something.

“Ah, well then, welcome to Hogwarts. I’m Angelina Johnson, pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m Abbigail Haywood.” I smiled politely. George and Fred just stared at me with a slight amazement. As I smiled as Angelina, I slowly looked over at the two red-headed twins and waved slightly. “Nice to see you guys again. Thanks for being nice to me once more.”

“No problem,” said Fred. “But how is it that you knew George was the one who said something? Our own mother can’t tell us apart sometimes. That woman is daft sometimes.”

“Well, when we first met, before you guys left, I told George that he could call me Abbie.”
As the time went on in the train, I became less nervous and began to envy the twin’s tricks and pranks. I wasn’t very good at being funny, but boy, did I admire it.
♠ ♠ ♠
The cat is actually my cat. X'D Name and all. cept, my cat isn't as nice as the one in the story..
Picture 1
Picture 2
How I love my cat. :>
But yeah, sorry this chapter kinda sucks and is short.
Comments would be appreciated. :)