Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Two lovely trolls

I woke up to screams coming from the boy's dormitories. A smirk fell upon my lips as I rubbed my eyes. Getting out of bed, my shirt rolled up slightly, showing my rather thin stomach as my shorts moved slightly. I ran my fingers through my hair once before throwing it into a pony tail. Hermione didn't seem to wake up and nor did Ginny but Louise was up. She looked at me confused look as she got out of bed as well.

"Sounds like Fred and George," Louise stated.

"I can't really tell, I've only known them for a couple weeks now. I wonder what's going on. Maybe they had a nightmare or someone scared them?" I couldn't help but smirk slightly more. She never noticed luckily.

When we both reached downstairs, we saw Professor McGonagall. She had lots of papers in her hand. It seemed like she had to pass out something to everyone in the house.

"Professor, are those parchments our timetables?" Louise spoke up while McGonagall nodded.

"What on earth are those unworldly screams?" As McGonagall asked you could hear alot of boys laughing. It sounded like half of them could burst from laughing so hard.

After a little bit, Fred and George came down the stairs from the boys' dormitories. Their skin was purple and their hair gone. I couldn't help but laugh as McGonagall stared in horror. Louise ran up to them.

“What in the name of Godric Gryffindor happened to you? Your skin is purple!”

I laughed more as she exclaimed the obvious. "And their hair is gone!" I stated in between laughs.

"I'd say" One of the twins choked out, trying to figure out how the hell their skin turned purple and their hair disappeared. "We look like —"

"—Like trolls? Quite attractive purple trolls, might I add." I added with an even bigger laugh.

With that, the twins looked at me and just stared. It was like they knew who did that to them. I wiped one of my eyes, trying to get rid of some tears that formed in my eye from laughing too hard. "Yes, purple looks lovely on us."

"What happened to you two?" McGonagall catechized.

"Well you see, professor McGonagall —"

"—Fred and I were trying to make a potion —"

"—and it went terribly wrong." Fred finished. It was amazing how happy it made me that they didn't tell on me.

"Yes, I can see that. Potion making is meant for potions class, let's keep it that way please." When McGonagall tried to wipe off the stupefied look on her face, she looked down at the papers in her hand. George winked at me and I smiled even more. Just as soon as I smiled more, our teacher handed me one of the papers.

"Hm? What's this?"

"Your term schedule, Miss Haywood. That's what I'm here for right now, to pass out everyone's schedules."

After McGonagall left the room, we had about an hour before classes started. I sat down on a seat while the twins and Louise sat next to Fred. "So, when did you do it?" George questioned.

"Around. . .one? Maybe two? Poured a potion on each other your heads that I got from a joke shop back when I was in the States." It seemed I was finally warming up to them. I wasn't really that nervous.

"So, our dear little, nervous Abbie is a prankster, huh?"

I stood up to stretch while I pushed down my shirt slightly, noticing it was showing my stomach. Right when I did, the Weasley twins got up and threw me into a hug, laughing, "you're officially one of us! That potion was brilliant." They exclaimed in harmony. As I was buried in their chests, I couldn't help but grin widely.

"Let me stretch, you big trolls! I need to go shower and get ready for my first class!"

"Hurry up —"

"— George and I will walk you to your first class."

"What is it?" George pondered.

"Charms. I'll be back in about. . .fifteen minutes." I raced upstairs and grabbed my uniform for the day. Luckily, our shower was open in our dormitory. With a quick shower, I practically shoved my clothes on myself and didn't even bother with my hair. It was still extremely wet and dripping. With my The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 book and a journal for notes, I ran down the stairs. I didn't really think Fred and George were going to wait for me to get ready. But they were downstairs, showered and dressed. I smiled up at them, they were so tall. They linked their arms with mine and grinned down at me.

"Ready our dear Abbie?" they said at the same time. I loved it when they did that. I only knew them for a couple weeks, and already, I had new best friends. Not one, but two.

The three of us walked down the halls, and boy did they get alot of snickers, comments and stares. I couldn't help but giggle. The twins were so nice. They offered to help me find all of my classes since I was new.

"So, when will this potion of yours go wear off?"

"Well — seeing as the time I put it on you two, maybe eleven or noon time."

All three of us laughed, they had to deal with looking like that for another few hours. By then, probably at least half the school, if not the entire school, would have to see my master creations. "You know," Fred started. "We're glad you're warming up to us and you're not so nervous anymore. We had a feeling you were a brilliant person, but we couldn't be sure with how nervous you get."

"I'm normally nervous around everyone, but when I have two such lovely pranksters for friends, how could I be nervous?"

"Well, this is charms class. We should be in the common room by the end of your class, have fun with Professor Flitwick. He's even shorter than you —"

"— Didn't even know that was possible." Fred laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks once again." With that, I waved and walked into a class full of people my age. A seat was free next to a Gryffindor, so I decided to sit. Nerves crept up on me again. "D-do you mind if I sit here? I'm Abbigail Haywood."

"N-no, not at all. I'm Neville Longbottom." He shook my hand. He seemed like such a nice boy and just as nervous as I was. His teeth were huge though. Right after that, I heard a voice from behind me, I turned to find out it was Hermione, smiling sweetly at me.

"Find your class okay, Abbigail?"

"Yes I did," I returned just as sweetly. My true nature(as well as being a prankster) "Fred and George helped me. Sweet twins they are."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it wasn't up earlier.
And here it is.
Poor Fred and George; I couldn't help it.

If you like mine, you should read hello alexxo's. Her's is quite similar, but just follows Louise.
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