Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Tryouts and broken fingers

I got lucky, I only had three classes before lunch in the great hall. The twins had walked me to all of my classes, they said something about not wanting to lose me because of how short I was. It was true, I was rather short. Only standing 4'8". As soon as I got out of potions, I found George and Fred waiting outside the potions room. I'm guessing they were waiting to take me to lunch. I heard voices ahead of me. It sounded like Louise, she had stormed off as soon as the bell rung.

"Hey, Lo. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing's wrong at all." She snapped at them.

"Well, if you say so then." George looked up and saw me. He waved and looked back at Louise. "Sorry, Lo. We came to take Abbie to lunch, she doesn't really know how to get the Great Hall from here. Probably because American's suck at directions!"

"Yeah, whatever." She retorted as she left.

I walked up to the twins and smiled up to them. "Americans do not suck at directions. . . . Okay, yes, we do."

"And you guys have a weird accent, too." George laughed.

"We do? You guys are the ones with an accent!"

"Are not," they both smirked.

"Are to."

"Come on, you pint-sized witch." They both linked their arms with mine. It made my lips curl, forming into a tiny smile. I couldn't help but to smile alot around them.

At lunch, I sat in between them, Louise sat next to Fred. She seemed to ignore the twins and talked to a boy right next to her. George said something about him being the captain of the Quidditch team. It's been a long time since I've played Quidditch. I wasn't amazing, but I was not to bad.

"You should try out, Abbie."

"Yeah, George and I are beaters, Harry is the seeker and Oliver, the guy Louise's talking to, is the keeper. Well, George, Harry and I need to go to try outs again since there might be someone better this year. But I don't think anyone could be better beaters than George and I. We make sure that everyone doesn't get bloodied up too bad."

"Hey, Oliver," George leaned over the table slightly to get a look at the captain. As he leaned forward, he leaned against my arm slightly, it made me blush. I hit this by sipping my pumpkin juice. Pumpkin juice was a rather odd thing; getting used to it would take a while. "When are Quidditch try outs? We want our friend over here try out. She's from the States."

"Oh, The first Saturday of October. Don't be late."


Down at the Quidditch pitch, Fred and George kept telling me about past Quidditch games. They sounded like they were really good. It was kinda funny to listen to them boast. I don't think they realized after about five minutes, I stopped paying attention. I felt a little bad about it, but it wasn't like I couldn't hear what they were saying; I was still aware of what they were saying.

"And here we are. The huge Quidditch pitch."

"Ah! There are my beaters. Hurry up, will you? I already had the first years fly around the pitch a few times." The captain barked as he gazed over to the crowd trying out once more. "Alright! Second years, get on a broom and fly around the pitch three times!"

"Well, that's my cue. Try not to get too jealous at my flying skills!" I voiced sweetly as I ran over with my broom that my parents had bought me at a second hand shop, it was the best the could afford before my father started working at the Ministry. I walked past the captain when he stopped me.

"You're the transfer student, right?" He questioned me.

"Y-yes I am." I said nervously.

"Well, we shall see what America's Quidditch has brought to us."

I smiled, even more nervous, and mounted my broom with the rest of the second years. It seemed like Louise gave me a weird look. She had been up my ass all day. I couldn't figure out why; I didn't do anything.

"On the count of three, start the laps. One. . ."

I grew more nervous and nervous with every number.

"Two. . ."

Once again.

"DON'T SCREW UP, ABBIE!" George yelled at me, I could hear Fred laughing.

I jumped. "What the he—"


All the other second years took off. I was the last one, still in shock from being scared; thanks George. I quickly shook my head slightly and flew off the ground. It wasn't long before I caught up with the faster flyers. A few of the people already fell off their brooms, I managed to dodge them all, but I worried if any of them got hurt. As soon as the second lap started, there were only three second years left flying. Louise, some boy and I. I decided to show off a little for kicks since Oliver wanted to see how we Americans flew. When I saw him watching, I swung my leg over the side and sat sideways. He probably didn't know that at Salem, we were known for flying this way, and boy did we fly faster that way. I was about ten feet behind Louise before I swung my leg over. A few seconds after I did, I hovered closer to my broom and quickly caught up with Louise. At the end of the lap, her and I were neck and neck. I jumped off my broom when we were back near the ground, only about four feet off it. I smiled at Louise.

"Good job, Louise." I didn't really like her nickname, so I never called her it.

She shot me another look before looking away.

"Americans have style." Oliver said, laughing slightly.

"W-we don't really. But on brooms we do."

"That was wicked."

"Brilliant if you ask me."

"Thanks boys. They thought back at Salem, since it was all girls, that "we ladies should have some style and class." So they taught us how to fly faster like that. Kinda hard to learn to balance like that."

When Oliver called out the peoples names who would be actually going further in the try out and try a game, my name was called. I was slightly surprised. Louise, Harry, Fred and George were called too. I wasn't so surprised about Harry, Fred and George. They were on the team last year. Harry was an excellent flyer and a good seeker from what I saw. The twins were proving themselves to be the best beaters.

As the game went on, I wasn't a bad chaser, Louise and a few other people were definitely better. I was just a good flyer, I don't really think I was meant for this game. I heard Louise yelling at him for fooling around. With George looking back at Louise to see what she was yelling at him about, he missed a bludger. . . . I wish he didn't and I wish that Louise wasn't yelling at him. The bludger came right for me and hit my broom and fingers.


I started spiralling downwards. My fingers in great pain and my broom in half, all I could remember was screaming as I fell from quite high up. Last thing I heard was Fred and George shout out my name before I blacked out. When I woke up, only about a minute later Fred told me later, I was in George's arms. He was the closest to me when I fell. Luckily he did, or I would be in greater pain than I was. I started to shake, I knew it, all my fingers except for my thumbs were broken, tears streaming down my face. I tried not to, I didn't want to cry in front of everyone, but the pain was just too much. I heard Oliver talk near George.

"George — take her down to the hospital wing, all of her fingers are swollen, they're probably broken."

He nodded and slowly stood up, carrying me bridal style. He looked at Louise before shaking his head.

"See what happens when you yell at the beaters for something stupid during a game? They miss a bludger and someone winds up hurt. Bloody hell, Lo." I could hear Fred sigh as he looked at Louise disappointed. His green hues slowly met with my watery-blue ones. "You'll be fine, mate. Madam Pomfrey will patch your fingers up in no time."

I smiled faintly at him before George turned, I just looked up at him the entire time he walked, tears still streaming. "I'm sorry." he sighed out after about two minutes and nearing the castle.

"It's not your fault. . . . She yelled at you and you wanted to know what she said. It's fine."

"No. It's half my fault too, you know. How're you fingers?"

"If it didn't hurt so much, I wouldn't be crying."

He looked down at me and smiled slightly. "Such a pint-sized pretty face shouldn't be covered in tears."

"If I could hit you for that short joke, I would!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't think I know how to write a chapter under 1000 words. This is my longest one yet with 1530.
This one was so dramatic, something hello alexxo and I were planning.
But what else happened at the Quiditch tryouts when George left with Abbie? Who knows. Read hers to find out when she updates tomorrow. :)

And I'd like to say thank you for my 6 lovely subscribers.
Comment and subscribe! They keep me in the mood to update! ;)