Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Thank you letters and pixies

About a half an hour later from when I first got into the hospital wing, George was sitting next to me, rubbing my arm as I was still shaking slightly from the pain. Have you ever had eight fingers broken at once? The pain was horrible. Madam Pomfrey had already given me the medicine for it. It kinda hurt as they mended back together. She had wrapped both my hands up just to make sure I didn't move them while they healed. She told me I was to spend the entire day there just so she could make sure they mended back together properly. George just smiled as he rubbed my arm. When I looked over at him, you could see the worry in his eyes.

"You know, I'm fine, George. There's no need to be so worried."

"You're my best friend, Abbie. If you're hurt, of course I'm gonna be worried; especially when you're in this much pain. I know you're in pain, still. You were crying for a good ten minutes."

I blushed slightly, I was still embarrassed that I cried. I didn't want to cry in front of him. But he was right; he was my best friend. I smiled at him before waving my arms. "I look like I got into a fight with a dragon and it blew fire on my hands." George laughed while I got an idea. "Hey, is Madam Pomfrey looking?" He shook his head. "Excellent. When you hear Fred ask to visit, use magic to make the bandages go around my entire body so I look like it was much worse than that. Do you think he'll fall for it?"

George stopped laughing instantly. I thought he was mad or something from the way he was staring at me. After about thirty seconds of staring, his lips slowly curled. "I love your mind, Abbie, you know that?"

I just simply smiled and giggled, replying, "oh, but of course you do!"

After a few minutes of us laughing, Fred was looking at me horrified. He couldn't find what to say, and he just froze. "I-I just thought it was broken fingers. . . . A-Abbigail?"

George walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Listen Fred. . .I know this looks bad. . . . But that damn dragon was just too much, you see. Abbie recovered her fingers and BAM! She was fighting the dragon and well, you see—"

Fred cut him off and smacked George on the arm, who was laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as George fixed my bandages so they were back on my hands. I smirked, looking up at Fred. "I'm sorry Freddie, I couldn't help it. I haven't played a prank on you in a while, so I just had to think of something!"

He walked over to the other side of my bed and pulled me into a hug as he sat down on the edge, laughing. "You bloody git. I really thought you were injured!"

"Well, I am you see. Just not as injured as you thought. Thanks for coming, though." I rested against his chest as he held me close to him. I think we got him so worried, that his protective mode just wouldn't shut off.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my best mate besides George over there. I was worried about you greatly."

While we talked, I saw Louise walk in. She walked over to the end of my bed, taking in a deep breath and looking at me. “How are your. . . . Er. . . . Fingers?”

Fred and George turned, them sitting on the bed with me, looking at her, a look of shock on their face. I, too, was a little shocked she was there to. Maybe she was sorry for what happened? I was a little nervous, I hadn't talked to anyone but Madam Pomfrey, George and Fred since it happened. "“T-they're better now. . ."

“That’s good.” Louise said, looking at the foot of the bed. I could tell she was sorry, I didn't really blame her for what happened. Yeah, Fred and George were fooling around, but that was also the only bludger the both of them together missed. “Well. . . I’m sorry about what happened. It’s my fault. . . so, uh, here.” She walked slightly closer to the bed and place the big package on the end of my bed. I went to say thank you, but George said something first.

“Oh yeah, give her something she has to use her fingers to open.” George said.

“Real smart, Lo.” Fred said, rolling his eyes.

“Well she has her two new best friends, I’m sure you can do it for her.” She said softly. Before I could even say anything, she turned and left it. But she didn't leave the room before saying, “hope you like it, Abbigail.”

I looked at the both of them. "You both know that was rather rude. . . . She was trying to be nice, and she's obviously sorry." Fred looked at me and shrugged slightly.

"It was her fault, you know. Here, we'll open the package for you." Fred and George grabbed it, with them being on each side of me, Fred on my right and George on my left. The twins opened the package to find a new broom in it. I looked in shock. She bought me a new broom? She didn't need to do that. I didn't even know how to thank her. Yeah, sure, what happened today was debatable on who's fault it was, but still. That was one hell of an apology.

"I told you she was sorry! You shouldn't have been mean to her." As soon as I said that, Madam Pomfrey came in and told the twins that they had to go to their common room and they would see me later on tonight when I was released. They each gave me a kiss on the cheek and grabbed the broom telling me that they would have Ginny put it on my bed for me.

When I got back to the common room at around nine, my fingers were back to normal with some slight swelling still and no more pain. Madam Pomfrey told me that the swelling would go down over night. As I stepped in the portrait hole, I could hear people talking about what happened today and how I deserved it or something and then how Louise was crying. I didn't hear all the details except for some boys made her cry. I saw Fred and George on the couch. Fred was sitting normal and George took up the rest of the couch. I walked over to Fred and sat on his lap, looking at them.

"Hi," I smiled at them. People started whispering, talking about how I was sitting on Fred's lap. We all shrugged it off. None of us thought anything of it. He was my best friend and like a big brother to me. I don't see what's so wrong with that. I would have sat on either of their laps, who ever was closer, but George was partially laying on the couch. He stretched his legs out on my lap. I rested my hands on his shins.

"What is this? Pig pile on the better looking twin?" I couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Identical, Fred. Identical." I said as I noticed George smiling as I played with his pant leg.

"Glad to see your fingers are doing better."

"Yeah, Madam Pomfrey fixed them up real well."

I noticed paper, quill, and ink near Fred's essay for Defence Against the Dark Arts. I questioned him if it was his, and he signalled it was. I took the notebook under it and placed it on George's shins. I started to write. They both gave me a funny look, I didn't even need to look up to know they were. "Writing a letter to Louise thanking her. I don't know how to thank her since I'd get too nervous, but a thank you letter lets me say what I want without getting nervous."

Fred twirled the back of my hair as I wrote the letter, George taking a little cat nap. When I got into my dormitory, I noticed Louise was sleeping, I left the letter on her night stand for her to see in the morning. I talked to Hermione for a little bit before going to bed. Defence Against the Dark Arts was supposed to be interesting tomorrow, or so Professor Lockhart says.

The twins had a class by the time I was supposed to be walking to my next class, so I walked with the "gang" to the class. But before we started walking, we stayed the the lunch table for a little bit longer.

Harry looked over at Hermione, who was looking at their schedule. "What've we got this afternoon?"

Within seconds, Hermione answered. "Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Why," Ron demanded as he grabbed her schedule, "have you outlined all Lockhart's lessons with little hearts?" I burst out laughing, it was funny. All the the girls seemed to fancy him. I didn't. I thought he was a good-for-nothing-loser. But hey, to each their own. I grabbed the schedule and looked at it.

". . .She really does. Hermione," I giggled out, "do you have a thing for our dear Mr. Lockhart?"

Louise corrected me, "professor Lockhart."

Hermione grabbed her schedule from me as Louise corrected me, her cheeks all red.

I could barley see over the stack of seven books that we had to bring, just for that class. I put them under the desk, I was sitting next to Hermione, who was beaming at Lockhart as he talked. I sighed as he said we had thirty minutes to do some stupid quiz. I looked down at it as Hermione rushed through it.

"1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite colour?"

Are you serious? What the hell is this bull crap? He is completely full of himself! What does he want us to know? His entire life story. When I reached 54. I didn't even know what to say to it. "54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday, and what would his ideal gift be?" I don't see how girls fancy him. I can't. He is completely obsessed with himself.

As the class went on, he started talking about how Hermione got a perfect score. I looked over at Ron and Harry and we started laughing before we were interrupted by Lockhart. "Now - be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that know hard can befall you whilst I am here. All I ask is that you remain calm."

We all had no idea what the hell he was talking about. What on Earth could it be?

"I must ask you not to scream," he said in a very low voice. "It might provoke them!" Everyone in the class held their breath. You couldn't hear anyone breath. "Yes. . ." He added dramatically. This guy was a loony. "Freshly caught Cornish pixies!" Those pixies were very tiny and blue, not even standing a foot tall. Their voices made my ears hurt.

The stupid teacher he was, he let them out of the cage. The chaos they were making was unbelievable. He screamed a useless spell before running into his room and locking the door. The only one in the room was Hermione, Louise, Harry, Ron and I. As we all froze the pixies, Hermione went on about how he really just wanted to give us hands on experience.

By the time we got out of the class, I could hear yelling of two familiar voices. Fred and Oliver's. George grabbed my hand and ran towards them to see what happened. Louise, Hermione, Ron and Harry followed behind. I didn't catch anything they were yelling about. But I did see Fred swing a fist at Oliver. Right as he did, I gripped George's hand tightly, scared that Fred would get hurt. I don't think either of us really noticed that we were holding hands. George let go of mine, quickly jumping in the fight to pull Fred out while another 6th year pulled Oliver.
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Sorry it's so long, I just wanted to get the DADA class in there. Sorry it was shortened, I didn't realize how much I wrote.
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