Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Black eyes and first kisses

As George held Fred back, I grabbed one of Fred's hands that was curled into a fist, I held his hand tightly. What the hell had gotten over him? Fred have never started a fight with someone at school — maybe a family member, but not at school. He knew very well what kind of trouble he could get in. Fred and George have gotten into so much trouble while being at Hogwarts, I think they knew what everything could get them for trouble wise.

George spoke up. "What the hell, Fred?" You could see alot of concern in George's eyes. I'm sure with an identical twin, they must be closer than anything. Who wouldn't get worried over someone that they've spent their entire life with?

Louise asked what was going on. Fred started yelling at Oliver. "Oh please, and you tell me that you care about her!"

"More than you do! You don't even talk to her!" Which was true, Fred really didn't talk to her that much. But I always had a feeling he had a thing for her. George and I talked about it a couple times. We were never sure, though. Silence fell as Oliver said that Fred didn't even talk to her anymore. After a few seconds of an awkward silence, I spoke up.

"You two were fighting in the middle of school, you could both get in serious trouble if a teacher finds out. So tell us, what the hell happened?" I looked up at Fred, his face was swollen a little; instantly making me worried.

"You see your friend — Fred, over there — well, he's mad at me because I actually care about Louise."

"Right, Oliver, right." Fred snorted back, his fist still tight.

"But Fred thinks that I'm just using her. And he's trying to tell me that he cares about her more than I do when he doesn't even talk to her. Please tell me how that's possible." Oliver was really getting on my nerves.

Louise's face was slightly red. "You guys were fighting over. . .me?"

I slowly looked over at George. "George, I don't think this is something we can solve, why don't we let them handle it?" Reluctantly, I let go of Fred's hand after I rubbed it softly with my thumb. "We're gonna wait at the end of the corridor for you Fred, please come when you're done talking. Please, for me." I wondered if he could see the worry in my eyes. It grew and grew. I had never been this worried about someone before.

George placed a hand on Fred's shoulder, gripping it slightly before taking my hand, walking down the end of the corridor, watching them. He gripped my hand tighter as the seconds went on, lacing our fingers without even noticing. I just rubbed his hand with my thumb over and over. I didn't know what to say or do. Would George be so upset that he would snapped if I said anything? He kept squeezing and squeezing. It actually started to hurt after a little bit.


"What is it, Abbie?" His eyes never lost Fred. He just stood there, squeezing the life out of my hand and staring at his twin.

"You're squeezing my hand a little too tight. . ."

"Hm?" He looked down at our hands and blushed slightly before loosening his grip. "Er. . ." I don't think he knew what to say to us holding hands.

"It's okay. I know you're upset. Sometimes it's comforting to hold someone's hand." I was blushing as well as I slowly began to grip his hand back.

We both smiled before Fred walked up to us. He looked ashamed of himself. "Sorry about that. . ." His eyes were fixed on the ground.

"Fred, if you're gonna fight, at least have me there for back up or tell me about it. We always tell each other things, always. What's up with this time?"

"Ignore George, he's just upset." I pulled Fred's collar, pulling him close to me so I could examine his face. I was still rather short, although, I grew a half an inch. That wasn't bad. I kissed the side of his eye very, very tenderly, making sure not to put any pressure on it. "There, all better now. You should have your mom look at it when you get to your house. We do leave tomorrow morning on the train anyways.

Tomorrow came faster than I thought, I was still half asleep as we walked to the trains, I didn't have much to carry, just a few things in a small bag and my cat's cage, I did have clothes at home after all. As George and Fred saw me, they smiled, I think they knew I was exhausted. Fred came over and grabbed my small bag.

"Thanks for last night, Abbie." I smiled before yawning. I knew he meant the talk we had with George when we were in the common room.

George grabbed my cage. "You look rather tired."

"You have no idea."

Fred told us he was going ahead to meet up with Louise to see if she was mad at him while George and I talked. He told me he wanted to tell me something. I had no idea what he was talking about. What did he have to tell me? And why couldn't he just tell me on the bus? George learned into the side of my face, I knitted my eyebrows, confused.

I slowly turned my head. My cheeks were instantly red. Our soft pink lips were touching each others. Our eyes met as we stared at each other, not knowing what to do, he leaned into the kiss slightly, kissing me. I kissed back slightly before I could pull back, looking the other way to hide my face.

"S-sorry. . ." He choked out. Neither of us knew what to do.

"I-it's fine. . . . Bu-but, George. . . . I. . .don't really believe in kissing when the two people aren't together. . . . It was just in pulse because we're so used to each other. . .right?" I looked down. George Weasley stole my first kiss, and I didn't exactly mind that.

"O-oh. . . . Alright. . .I understand. . . . It was a mistake, I was just leaning in to whisper something. . ."

I was a little hurt to tell him that, but it was what I truly thought.

On the train I sat between George and Fred. George and I didn't really talk for a good hour, it was way too awkward, none of us could think of what to say. I leaned against Fred's shoulder, my eyes closed. I had spent the last hour yawning.

Oliver and Louise were across from us. They were holding hands, Fred was really jealous. He kept sighing and I just gripped his arm, trying to keep him calm. He told Louise he wanted to talk to her, they both got up and walked out, closing the door behind them. Being half asleep, I instantly started leaning towards the spot where Fred was sitting, but I would have hit my head. Luckily, George grabbed me and placed my head in his lap, playing with my hair. it made my blush. Just a few more days and Christmas would be here. That meant a couple weeks without George or Fred. I didn't know what that would be like.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, this one sucks.
I'm really sorry.
It was meant to be a short chapter.
I can't do anything till hello alexxo says something that I can't because of my POV.
So, this is a filler.