Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Crying and mistletoe

Christmas eve, I woke up to hear some sobs downstairs. It also sounded like my dad? I had never heard my dad sob. I quickly rubbed my eyes, sitting up. I put on some pants before opening my door to run down the stairs and into the kitchen. I hated sleeping in pants, it was so uncomfortable. When I reached the kitchen, I saw my dad sitting at the table, his face was buried in his hands, still sobbing.

"D-Dad? What's wrong? Where's Mom?"

All I could do is ask questions as I placed my hand on his right shoulder, he was trembling. I didn't know how long it would be till Father answered me. I looked around, my mom was no where to be found. I just figured she was out buying food or something for Christmas. It was already nine AM. She would have been the first one, getting up at about 7:30-8:00 AM.

My eyes travelled slowly back to my father who slowly shook his head. What did he mean by shaking his head? "She left."

". . .I'm sure she'll be back? She's always out shopping Christmas Eve morning."

"No, Abbigail. She left me — us. When I woke up, all her things were gone, and she wasn't in the house."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mother left us. Gone for good. Would I even see her again? I felt as if I couldn't breathe. My knees came crashing until they met the floor. it hurt, but I ignored it. There was a huge pain in my chest, and I know it's her fault, that bitch.(LOLAVERYPOTTERMUSICAL) My eyes swelled with tears. My dad got out of his seat and hugged me tightly. My head was on his shoulder, crying. For the next hour or more we just sat there, hugging each other — crying.

At dinner, it was so weird. No cheerful Mother making jokes to get us to laugh or make everything bad just seem to disappear. It was silent. The only thing that could be heard was chewing, sipping, or the silverware banging against the glass plates. After we were almost done eating, Riku jumped into my lap and laid there, purring. It was like he knew something terrible happened. That was the loudest thing in the house; the entire house. His purring.

"So. . . . Tomorrow night we're going over a friend of mine's house. I work with him at the Ministry. . ."

"Dad. . . . I don't want to go. I don't wanna go anywhere. I wanna just stay here, in my room with Riku or with you. No one else. . . . I don't think I'm up for it. . ." I choked out, holding back tears. How could I go somewhere and expect to have a good time?

"I know you don't, but I already gave him my word we'd go. They have five children in the school, one's in your level, you might know them — the Weasley family."

I looked up at him. Did he say what I think he said? ". . .Do they have twins?"

"Yes, but I can't remember their names."

"Fred and George."

"Yes! That's their names, how did you know?"

"They're my best friends. . ."

"Then we're going. . . . I'm sure it'll be good for you to see your best friends in a time. . . . Well, in a time of need. . ."


When we arrived at the Weasley's home, a plump, red-headed man answered the door. "Ah! Gregory! Come in, come in!" He let us in, closing the door behind us. I heard a voice I hadn't heard since before school started.

"Abbigail, dear!" Mrs. Weasley came up to me and gave me a hug. "You look so pretty in that dress! Happy Christmas, dear."

I hugged her back. Why couldn't I have a mother that was like this and didn't leave her family? Why? "Thanks, Mrs. Weasley. Merry Christmas."

Soon after I saw Fred and Louise standing in the door way from the kitchen to the living room. He spoke over the adults who were all talking, I could hear my dad telling them what happened. I didn't wanna hear it, I knew it, but I couldn't bare to hear my dad say it. I didn't want to burst out in tears.

The three of us walked into the living room and sat down. I sat on a chair nearest the couch. My eyes never left the ground. Hermione was talking to Ginny quietly on the other side of the living room, leaving Harry and Ron probably talking in a different room. I didn't know Hermione would be here. They never even noticed I was there, not even when I was talking. I think they were so wrapped up in their own conversation, they couldn't hear anyone else in the room talk unless they were approached.

"Happy Christmas, Abbie." Louise pipped up.

"You too." I mumbled quietly.

I could see from the very corner of my eye Louise whispering to Fred and him whispering back. I had no doubt in my mind that it was about me. I found it a little rude since I was right there. But I didn't mind since it was Fred. The boy was like an older brother to me.

"I'll be right back." I looked up slightly to watch Fred leave the room and start to walk up the stairs. My head slowly turned to Louise, I tried to put on a fake smile, but my lips wouldn't even curl in the slightest way.

"So how've you been?" She questioned me, trying to make conversation.

"O-okay I guess." Not really. My mother just left my father and I yesterday.

"That's good. Happy you're home?" She questioned once more.

"Not really." Not at all! Why would I wanna be home? The place my mother abandoned without a word as to why.

As soon as I said that, my blue eyes travelled to the floor once more. It wasn't long after that Fred and George came down the stairs and sat next to each other on the couch, Fred next to Louise. "Hello, Abbie." I heard George say. He didn't seem to be happy to see me at all. I didn't feel the need to look up if he wasn't happy to see me. I just didn't wanna do anything now.

"Hi." I replied simply.

"This is for you. . . . Happy Christmas." Fred said to Louise as he handed her a parcel, I looked up to see what he had gotten her, it was a ring, I could only tell because she put it on right after she said it was beautiful. That was sweet of him. She was lucky, Louise. Fred was doing sweet things for her. And there I was, getting ignored pretty much by George. I don't see why. I wasn't the one who kissed him, he kissed me first. Shouldn't I be the one who finds it awkward? Not him?

"Hey Fred. . ." I sighed, blinking my eyes a few times as they got watery. "Could I talk to you for a minute?. . ."

"Sure." Fred nodded his hand as I stood up, leaving my jacket on the seat. He walked into the hall way, right next to the living room.

"What's wrong, Abbie? Did something happen to you and George? He won't tell me."

"No, well yes, but that's not what's wrong."

"Then what's wrong, love?" He placed a hand on my shoulder, walking over to the stairs and sitting down, making me sit next to him. I hugged him tightly, instantly sobbing into his chest. I felt bad, I didn't want to ruin his shirt. I didn't bother to put make up on, so luckily for him it was only tears.

"My mother! She left my dad and I yesterday morning!" He slowly hugged me tightly, resting his head on top of mine, I knew he didn't know what to say. "And then George. . . . He's not even happy to see me. It's not like I'm the one who kissed him!"

"You two kissed. . .?" He whispered, trying not to freak, I guessed.

"He kissed me by accident. . . . I told him that I don't believe in two people kissing unless they're dating. . ."

". . .So that's why he's been confused lately," Fred mumbled, I couldn't really understand what he said.


"Nothing. Don't worry about him, he'll come around. He probably just feels awkward about it." I nodded as I cried slightly harder into his chest. "Come on. . . . I'll take you up to my room so you don't have to be around everyone and you can cry as much as you'd like. Can you get up?" I slowly shook my head. My knees felt weak. He pried me off of him and walked in front of me, his back facing me as he got down on one knee. "Come on, then. Hop on my back, you've got those. . . . Er. . . . Tight things, so you don't have to worry about your dress. I nodded slightly and got on his back, my hands on his shoulder, gripping slightly as I buried my face in his back, he put his arms under my thighs as he stood up. Slowly, he walked over to Louise and George. It was clear that his shirt was wet in on spot on the front of his shirt. When we got into the living room, he stopped at the couch. "Really sorry, Louise, I'll be back in a little bit. George, you're coming. Get up, will you?"

George slowly looked up, I don't think he noticed me crying. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to our room with Abbigail."

"Why do I need to go?"

"Because she needs us, you prat."

George sighed, following us upstairs. When we got to their room, I saw two beds. One against each wall the long way, right across from each other. A few feet of floor between. We sat on one of the beds, which I'm guessing was Fred's. He moved before pulling me onto his lap, I didn't even bother to look at George. I just instantly buried my face in Fred's shoulder once again, sobbing.

"Listen, if it's because of that kiss, I'm just gonna go downstairs. There's nothing to talk about. It was an accident, no harm."

"It's not about that kiss, I do wish you would have told your own twin about it, but it's Abbigail's mum. She left."

"What do you mean left?"

I slowly turned and looked at George. My eyes were most likely red by now with tears streaming down. "She's gone for good. Never coming back. As of yesterday morning, I'll never see her again. Who knows where she is."

His eyes were slightly wide, George made his way onto the floor, on his knees. He hugged me tight. I didn't know what do to. Fred whispered in my ear "Make up with him. I have a little feeling you need him slightly more than you need me. I'm gonna go downstairs, but if you want me to stay, I will."

"No. . . . It's okay, I know Louise is waiting for you."

I slowly got off of Fred's lap, almost instantly, George pulled me onto his lap. I blushed slightly as I rested my body against his, crying once more. Fred leaned down and kissed my temple softly before leaving. I gripped George's shirt. Slowly, he picked me up and sat down on his bed before laying us down. He rested his head on his pillow before I hid my face once more, hiding it in his chest. He stroked my hair soothingly as he kissed the top of my head.

"Cry for as long as you want, I'm not going anywhere. . ." He said soothingly.

About within an hour of crying, I fell asleep against George. It only felt like I was sleeping for a few seconds. I woke up to Mrs. Weasley's voice. She was asking why George and I were laying down together and why I was sleeping. He explained that I had fallen asleep from an hour of crying. I sat up slowly, wiping my eyes, they were still swollen.

"Poor dear," Mrs. Weasley thought out loud as she walked over to me and hugged me. "Your father told us what happened. Fred also told Mr. Wealsey and I how close you are to the twins — your father then told us that you said that you needed them greatly." I just looked up at her. What was she getting at. . .? "You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need them, dear. We're always having the children's friends sleep over. We'll be more than happy to welcome you to stay. Normally I wouldn't do this, but I understand in great times like this, someone needs their best friends. You can stay in Fred and George's room. Later on tonight, I'll make you a bed somewhere in this mess. Your father's just about to leave if you wanna go with him or say goodbye, the choice is entirely up to you." She had to be the sweetest mother I've ever met.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley. I don't even know how to thank you." I said quietly, smiling slightly; the first time since yesterday.

"My pleasure." She walked out of the room and I got up slowly, stretching.

"George. . . . Are you coming downstairs?" He nodded as he got out of his bed and straightened out his clothes. He kissed the top of my head softly before fixing my messy hair slightly.

"How're you feeling?"

"A little better, thanks. . ."

We walked downstairs and I said bye to my dad. He said he thought up the idea with Mrs. Weasley about me staying there for a few days and told me he'd be sending our family owl with clothes for me in the morning. I introduced George to my dad since he had already met Fred.

"Please take care of my daughter, George. You and your brother seem like excellent boys. I'm trusting my life with you." He extended his hand to shake George's.

George shook his hand and smiled. "Thank you, sir. Fred and I will take care of her, don't you worry about that. She'll be back to her normal self by the time we let her leave!"

My father smiled slightly as he hugged me tight and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "See you in a few days, princess."

"Bye Dad."

After my father left, I was introduced to the rest of the Weasley family since I was up in Fred and Geroge's room most of the time. Seven kids. Holy crap! That was alot. I met their older brothers Charlie and Bill. They both seemed very nice. George took me into the living room to go see Fred and Louise, who was still there. George told me she was spending the break here and would be sleeping in Ginny's room with Hermione. When we walked into the living room, no one was there except for Louise and Fred; they were staring at each other. Mistletoe had slowly grown over them. George and I stayed silently, waiting to see what would happen next.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I finally got to use a quote from A Very Potter Musical, the scene where Ron's talking about Hermione with his huge Hershey's bar. XD

So dramatic, this story.
Sorry it's long.
And sorry if it sucked. XD
I wrote half of it last night when I was tired.
Subscribe and comment! They make me wanna update. :)