Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

Pancakes and skates

When George and I walked into the living room, Louise and Fred leaned in to kiss. Fred's first kiss. I looked up at George, trying to smile slightly. I gripped the side of George's shirt, he looked down at me before rubbing my back. It was like he knew that I was struggling to be myself. "So cute." I said out loud, trying to break the awkwardness. Louise looked at us as Fred turned his the other way so we couldn't see his face. I looked up at George as he smirked.

"Well, Fred, just don't tell me about this and we'll be even, mate. Come on, Abbie, we'll leave you two love birds alone." George pushed lightly on my back as we headed back up to their room.

When we got upstairs, I fell on top of George's bed. I curled up on a ball as I yawned slightly, closing my eyes. "George, where am I sleeping?"

I heard the door open and shut, probably Fred. George sat next to me as I heard Fred sit on his bed. "Well, Mum said she'd make you a bed." Fred said as he laid down, my eyes slowly opening as I sat up.

"George, can I sleep here?"

"Sure, Abbie, I'll just sleep on the bed Mum makes."


"No?" They both chimed at the same time.

"Sleeping in someone arm's. . . . It just reminds me of what it was like with my mom when I was sick. I'd sleep in her bed, and she'd hold me until I fell asleep. You just. . . . Remind me of that."

Fred laughed. "George reminds you of your mum?"

"No. . . . Just the feeling of being in someone's arms that I love is comforting." I looked at George, his cheeks were instantly red. I don't think they knew I loved them both. They were my best friends, of course I loved them.

"Wait. . . . So you're admitting you love George?"

I placed my head on George's shoulder. "I love the both of you." I could feel George's arm snake across my waist, holding me close.

"And we love you." Fred and George smiled as they said that.

George got up after giving me a hug and walking over to his drawer and pulling out his pyjamas. I blinked a few times. My dad hadn't sent anything for me and they wouldn't be arriving till tomorrow. I had no pyjamas. I blushed a soft pink. "U-uh. . . . I don't have anything to sleep in. . ." George walked to the door and told Fred to lend me something to wear as he walked out to go change in the bathroom.

Fred got out of his bed as I watched him. He pulled out a shirt and a pair of boxers since he didn't have any shorts out. "Sorry, mate. My pants would be way to long for you and too big. Boxers are tighter. You don't mind, do you?" I shook my head. To girls, boxers were just another pair of shorts with a hole in the crotch area. He tossed them to me. "I'll let you get changed, just open the door when you're done." I smiled slightly at him.



"Thanks for everything."

He walked over and kissed the top of my head softly. "Don't mention it, Abbie. You're like my little sister, I'd do anything for you."


". . .Yes, Abbie?"

I looked up at him slowly. "Now that you pretty much have a girlfriend. . . . I'm not out of the picture am I?"

He looked slightly shocked. "No, Abbigail. I wouldn't push my sister out of the picture. Especially the sister whom I expect to be my sister-in-law one day!" With that, he laughed, and started to walk out. I flushed furiously.

"WHAT?! Wh-what do you mean sister-in-law?"

He shook his head and walked out of the room. As I sat there, confused, I quickly got up and got changed. After I did, I walked over to the door and opened it. The shirt was so long on me, it was right above my knees and the boxers ended at my knees. Fred smiled at me and sat on his bed. I turned to him and shoved him down till he was on his back. He knitted his brows perturbed. I sat on his stomach. Boy did the look on his face get even funnier.

"A-Abbigail, what the bloody hell are you doing?"

"What did you mean sister-in-law?"

"Nothing, nothing."

". . .You meant something, Fred! Tell me!"

"Well, you just seem to have a thing for—"

"For what?" Another voice could be heard — George's. I kept looking at Fred before blushing even more. Fred smirked as if he had gotten an answer to something.

"Sitting on my stomach! Get her off me, she must weigh like 500 pounds or something!" Fred blurted out. I laughed slightly before George came up from behind and picked me up bridal style.

"This is what 500 pounds feels like? I think it feels like about 75 if you as me!"

". . .That's because I weigh 75."

"That's heavy, isn't it George?"

"Oh yes, Fred! She's so heavy. I don't think I can carry her anymore." George dropped me a few inches above his bed. "I feel like I just got 500 pounds off my hands."

I started laughing quietly. The twins looked at each other, smiling huge. They both looked at me, talking at the same time. "We're glad to see you smile again, Abbie."

I blushed slightly before laying down against the wall, getting under the covers and moving to get comfy. "I already told mum we got a plan worked out for the beds, so she won't be coming in here to check. She told me to tell you both that she loves you, happy Christmas and good night." George slowly into his bed and almost instantly I cuddled up to him; my face buried in his chest once more, gripping his shirt slightly about where his stomach was. I listened to his heartbeat. It was so — calming.

After Fred got changed and got into his bed, we shut the lights off and said good night. George hugged me as he wrapped his arms around me, intertwining our legs together before whispering, "Happy Christmas, Abbie. . ."

When I woke up in the morning, Fred was just sitting up and stretching. I yawned slightly as I looked up at George. He was still sleeping. He looked so adorable as he slept. I moved his arm slowly and got out of bed, trying my best not to awake him. I looked at Fred and waved. He got up and whispered for us to go downstairs while George slept to see if my clothes were there yet and something about breakfast.

As we got into the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley greeted us and asked how I slept and how I was feeling. I told her after spending the night I felt slightly better. She told me my owl arrived just a half an hour ago with my clothes. I saw her sitting on the top of the couch, looking around. I didn't know she stayed. Beautiful barn owl she was. I walked over to her and pet her head softly.

"Thank you, Margaret. Nibble Daddy's fingers for me." She bit my finger very softly as if she was saying good bye. I turned to Fred and smiled slightly. "Don't ask about her name, Dad named her. Well, I'm gonna go get dressed. I'm kinda cold in boxers and it looks like it's snowing finally!"

"Breakfast will be ready when you get out of the toilet, dear!" Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen.

I came back no longer than five minutes later with grey skinny jeans, black shin-length boots on with two buckles. I had a simple black turtleneck on with a black peace necklace. My light grey jacket was in my hands along with my hat. I was saving those for if we went outside. I sat down next to Fred and smiled at him. He had gotten dressed in the sweater Mrs. Weasley made for him with an "F" on it. It was a lovely sweater. I wish my mom made me things.

Ginny sat besides me with Hermione next to her. Ron and Harry were across them, Bill and Charlie were next to Hermione and Ron, and Mr. Weasley at the end with Percy. There were three empty seats open. Mrs. Weasley, George and Louise were the only ones missing. All of a sudden, you could hear two people booking it down the stairs.

"What in Merlin's name is that noise?!" Mrs. Weasley started yelling as she put her hands on her hips, turning to the other room as George and Louise walked into the kitchen. "Well, come on, then. Sit down, no need to be a pack of hungry animals, there's plenty for everyone." George sat across from me and Louise across from Fred.

George grabbed about three pancaked to start off, putting syrup on them. I hadn't eaten much. By the time George came downstairs, I was already done. He looked at me before he started eating, I noticed he was wearing a sweater with the letter "G." "So, how did you sleep, Abbie? And why didn't you wake me up when you got up?"

"I didn't want to, you looked too peaceful. And I slept pretty good, what about you?"

"Excellent." Only three people knew I shared a bed with George last night. But none of us really made anything about it.

"So, George," Ron spoke up. "Know your names this year again?" George started laughing along with Fred and Harry.

"Yes, still not stupid this year?" Harry asked.

"Yes, of course! We still aren't stupid — we both still know we're called Gred and Forge. Right Forge?"

"Right, Gred."

". . .Gred and Forge?" What the hell were they talking about?

"Yes, well you see —" Fred started.

"—Mum makes us homemade sweaters each year —"

"—And they have the letters "F" and "G" on them —"

"—Just so we know our names."

"And we're not stupid —"

"—We know our names —"

"—Gred and Forge," they both finished at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh slightly at their stupidity.

"Yes, I named my children that. And it's good to see you a bit cheery, Abbigail."

I smiled at Mrs. Weasley. She was the sweetest woman on Earth. "I have an idea. It's the first snow of the winter, why don't we go out and play in the snow?"

George, Fred, Louise, Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron all thought it was a good idea. Fred and Louise left before George and I. When everyone else left and no one was in the room but George, Mrs. Weasley and I, I walked over to her and hugged her, thanking her.

"Don't worry about it, dear. Your mum may have left, but I never will. I love all of you children. You're always welcome here no matter what. Don't forget that." I hugged her extra tight before George noticed that Fred and Louise were looking suspicious about something outside.

"Abbie, let's go out the back and surprise them."

I agreed as I put on my coat. I placed my hat on before George came over to me and offered me his Gryffindor scarf — mine was at home. As he put it on, I smiled. He was such a sweet boy. After we surprised Fred and Louise with a sneak snowball attack, we all decided to go skating on the frozen lake in front of the Burrow.

I got on the ice and started to ice-skate. It has been years. I didn't stumble or anything, I used to do it as a sport in the States. as I gracefully skated into a spiralling circle, Louise joined me. She wasn't half bad, either. The twins looked at us in awe.

"Come on, Fred and George, will you?" I skated over to them and grabbed one of their hands. I pulled them both onto the lake. Louise came over and took Fred. I skated backwards with George's hands in mine. Boy did he stumble. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

"How the bloody hell are you so brilliant at this?!" he practically yelled. I couldn't help but smile a little.

"I used to do this in the States when I was in grade school as a sport. I haven't since I was about seven, though." As soon as I said that, George fell, bringing me down with him. I burst out laughing. It was hilarious.

"It's not funny!"

"Yes it is! You suck!"

"I'm glad you're getting better, Abbie."

"I'm trying my best to be myself. . ."

I helped him up as we looked over at Louise and Fred. He was just as bad as George. This was a funny day. Louise was dressed in black jeans, a dark grey sweater and a light grey hat. She was giggling and Fred had a very concentrated look on his face. I looked back up at George.

". . .You two suck at skating."

"Yeah, well. . .I got nothing," he smiled down at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abbigail's outfit
Louise's outfit

I know the Gred and Forge thing is from the first book, but I wanted to write that so much, I wanted to write it. Back to school and bloody writing on the wall's next!