You will never Know

One and only

The sun set on a cold friday night. Greg and his girlfriend Dailah where siting in the orcherds outside of the town they liverd in. Greg was a well buld 17 year old boy that whore all black and usualy had a pentagram or other anti-christian symbol hanging from his neckless. The contats in his eyes made his eyes a firey red rither than the natural brown they where. Dalilah had strate hair that hung down past her midback and had gorduse paile blue (nearly gray) eyes that could captivate and bend any man to her will. Her slender figure and beautiful face only intencified the effects of her eyes. Infact her beauty was so powerfull that everyone in her circle of friends swore she was "a cheater".

"Why do I only get to see you at night?" asked Greg as he kised her nick.

"I think it's romantic." she responded.

"Well I think it's stupid." he said standing up. "We've been together for six months and I only get to see you at night in this stupid fucking orchered! You've never met any of my friends,"

"What does any of that matter?" she asked.

"It means everything!" he said becoming more frustated by the second, "We barly even have a relationship."

"The only way you will ever know is to be like me." she responded in a somber tone.

"And what are you? What makes you so different from me?"
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this isn't finished yet check it tomarrow...