Chemistry Class

Love's Flame is Hot

It took me forever to decipher that damn note. First of all, I was never very proficient at reading Arabic. And second Seth writes it like a five year-old. But I finally got it read, and it's contents made me laugh out loud. The note said that Seth wanted to have 'alone time' with me. Any self-respecting gay guy knows in a second that it means sex, sex, and more sex. So the cute white boy wants a taste of a Latino lad, eh? Mmmkay, I'm down. It's two days before the Christmas break and seriously no one is in class. It's Seth, me, and three other kids, so Mrs. Donovan just lets us chill. She's like that. Seth sits with me and we talk in Arabic. "Did you figure out my note?"

"It took me like two hours, but yes I did."

"And what's the verdict?"

"I would love to be your fuck buddy." Seth blushes to the roots of his beautiful hair.

"Not what i was asking. We can fuck, but I want us to be more than buddies." The look in his eyes is delicious. It's saying, 'Hey, I really like you and would absolutely love to stick my penis inside of you right now.'

But I'm a good Catholic boy and I have to play coy first, then give in; It's Standard Procedure. "But Seth, don't you have a girlfriend?"

"That bitch? Nope. I hit it and quit it." I blushed this time at his shameless sex talk.

"Well, in that case I'll see you after school?" I give him a look of 'Oh my God I would adore it if you stuck your penis inside me right now.'

"Yes you will. Seeing as how I live down your street you'll see me lots."

"You live on my street?"

"Yeah, I just never ride the bus. I drive." He winks and I shudder. "Do you like that I drive? Is it hot?" I hadn't noticed how close we were until right now. I handn't noticed that no one else was in the room either. He slides his hand up my thigh. I shudder again and kiss him. His mouth tastes like cherries, very fitting. He pulls me onto his lap; We kiss deeper, hands groping everywhere, almost ready to rip off our clothes, when suddenly, "MMMHMMM." Our chemistry teacher is standing in the door way tapping her foot. "What do you boys think you're doing? Save that for outside the class room. Do it again and I'll right you up." We're totally flabbergasted and try to stammer an apology, but she stops us. "Boys, just don't let it happen again." The bell rings and we run out of the room as if it were on fire.

We were too spooked about Mrs. Donovan catching us to do anything but hold hands that afternoon. We were sitting out on the back porch waiting for his mom to get home with food. We're speaking Arabic still, because Seth said he feels safest speaking that. He's holding my hand and stroking my fingers. "Hey, I want you to know, I really do like you."

"I know, Seth. I really like you too."

"Okay good." I snuggle my head into his shoulder and the strokes my head.
