Chemistry Class

La Canción es para Ti

I woke up at seven the next morning. I didn't find him next to me. I sat up rather quickly and my head hurt for a second. My eyes focus and I see him sitting on a stool, holding an Académie notebook in his hands, sketching me in my sleep. "What are you doing?"

"Sketching you. You're perfect." He was in only his boxers, hunched over and concentrating. "I'm done if you want to see." I get up and walk over to where he is. I'm naked as the dawn and rock hard. "Haha, do I really make you hard even when you sleep?"

"Shut up, Narcissus." I smile at him and bend over to see the sketch. It's me, sans shirt, covers up to my waist. My mouth is slightly ajar, my lips seductively large, my hair splayed over my face, muscles clearly defined. He stands up and I kiss him. "Te amo tanto."

"Te amo también." He smiles. "You should probably put some clothes on. My mother might be a bit freaked out." I laugh and borrow some shorts and cologne.

Well, no one's even home, everyone having gone to breakfast. Seth manoeuvers me against the fridge and kisses me sweetly. He has no shirt on, so his undressing takes less time than mine. He kisses me like the sun at the beach; he fucks me like a hurricane bashing the Gulf Coast. I suck his cock like a hungry lion; I kiss him like a butterfly, gently pollinating his mouth with my tongue. He ejaculates like a volcano; I clean the counter like Mr. Clean so his parents don't flip the fuck out. All-in-all, an amazing morning.

He packed us a lunch and takes me on a walk down to the backyard. Oh, did I mention his backyard is the Pacific Ocean? Oh, silly me. Well, we're sitting on the beach in our bathing suits because it's too cold for us to get in, even though it's only September, I don't like cold. His mom called and said they wouldn't be back until late that night, so Seth and I were left to our own devices. I laid my head in the crook of his arm and we watched the sun set on the horizon. He told me he loved me over and over again. I told him I loved him over and over again. We kissed, sucked, fucked, rinsed and repeated. We went back to the house and showered before i had to get home. He gave me a CD and told me not to listen until I got home. I said okay and hurried home. I popped the CD into the radio...and...

..."I'll take you for a ride on my big green tractor..."

I've never laughed so hard in my entire life.