Chemistry Class

All I Really Want

I couldn't sleep that night. I had called Seth right after I listened to the whole CD of twenty of the most hilarious love songs known to man. He said he wanted to show me what he was feeling. Apparently he finds love funny. I couldn't take him off my mind though. I sat there for an hour replaying every single moment I'd ever spent with him over and over again in my mind. Every detail under a microscope, clear and beautiful. I kept thinking I needed sleep, but by one AM I said fuck it and got up. I opened my book of important things and turned to a blank page. I re-did his sketch of me from memory. That took until two. I still couldn't sleep. I cleaned and organized my entire room. Three AM. "I'm going to die." I wrote him the longest note known to man, in Arabic, in perfect calligraphy, with drawings of dinosaurs and dicks, and that took until four. I did my damn homework and finally fell asleep, and then my alarm went off. The man who invented alarm clocks has a special place in hell reserved for him.

I felt like doom and gloom when I got on the bus. Luckily, he was riding the bus that day and it was super dark. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed my eyelids. He smelled so good that day. I woke up with my head on his chest, his head on mine, curled up in the fetal position and a million people staring. He got up and fucking waved. "Take a picture, we're too cute for one glance." And this is why I love him...

He started to be more open about us. He held my hands in the halls, kissed me in the atruim, let me put my head on his shoulder at lunch. Everyone stared; I didn't fucking care. His ex-girlfriend was positively suicidal by the end of that day. She saw us kissing in front of the school and I thought she was going to come over and rip my head off because he noticed and squeezed my butt really hard. I died of laughter after she left.

"I really do love you, you know that, right?"

"Of course I do, silly." It was late in the afternoon. We were lounging on the beach after a long surfing session.

"Okay, good." I looked at him funny, and he just kisses me. I can never stay mad at him.