Chemistry Class

En Mis Manos y Mis Sueños

I felt as if I was sumerged in a sea of cotton, like everything was muffled. I stared at the ocean waves crashing on the sand and thought of Darlene. 'She loves the ocean....' I had never ever cheated on her in all the time we'd been together, but tonight I had thrown my inhibitions to the wind, and all because some boy said to. Hot tears ran down my face, silent sobs racked my body. I tried so hard not to wake him, but when I started to hiccup it couldn't be helped. "Joaquin, why are you crying?"

"¡Parce que de ti! ¡Tú me hiciste una puta!" "Because of you! You made me a whore!"

"You know you had every right to say no."

"Really? Would you have passed up the chance if you had been in my shoes? Would you?" He can't say anything because he knew it was true. He folds his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I rage and scream and beat his chest. "¡¿Dónde estuviste cuanto estuve triste?! ¡¿Dónde estuviste cuanto te necesitaba?!" "Where were you when I was sad?! Where were you when I needed you?!"

"Could I really have been there for you when I was the one who caused your sadness?"


"Joaquin. I couldn't have. Listen, I'm here now, and for all the times you hurt, there will be times when you'll feel great. I'm not saying what I did was right or that it doesn't mean anything, but what I'm saying is that because it happened, right now is so much more important. I want to be with you forever, Joaquin. It took me two years to figure that out. I'm here now." I look up and he has tears glistening on his cheeks. I kiss him softly; he kisses back. 'I'd forgotten how he took my breath away.'