Chemistry Class

Your Lips, Your Lust

It took it away so much I almost didn't have the breath to tell Darlene. She was sitting with her cousin, Antonia, Monday morning when I approached. I was wearing Seth's shirt, his jeans, his underwear, I smelled of his cologne, and I looked like death warmed over. I hadn't slept a wink that weekend and I knew it showed. She looked so happy to see me, but then I saw a shadow pass over her eyes. She knew who's shirt I was wearing. I started to say something, but then she jumped up and kissed me. "Hi baby, let's take a little walk." She led me out of the cafeteria into the atrium where we could talk in private. "So, Joaquin, explain what you're doing wearing his shirt." She spit the word out like it was venom.

"Darlene, sabes que te quiero, perro--"

"¡No me 'perro'!
You spent the night with him didn't you!" She looked about ready to spit fire and brimstone.

"Yes." I hung my head.

"I knew it! I knew you were cheating on me!"

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"¿Piensas que no tengo los ojo? I saw how he looked at you. But you were clever, you didn't look back so I wouldn't suspect! Alejandra was right!" She gasped and covered her mouth.

"¿Quién es Alejandra?" It wasn't like Darlene to say something wrong.

She scoffed and didn't meet my eyes. "Alejandra? I meant Antonia."

"Liar. You don't say things you don't mean and we both know it. Who is this girl?"

"I don't have to tell you shit, bato!" She tried to walk away from me but I grabbed her arm.

"Tell me now." This was the closest we'd ever gotten to an altercation; She was scared shitless.

"Stop you're hurting me!"

"Tell me and I'll let go."



When she saw I wouldn't let go she relented. She drew in an immense breath and said, "You're not the only person who likes to run around after dark. That's right, ese, I've been fucking a chick behind your back for the past year." I'm astounded. Darlene, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect Catholic girl, was a cheating lesbian! I let go of her arm and she slapped me across the face.

"Et j'ai pensé que j'étais la chienne."

"Speak English, White Boy!"

"And I thought I was the slut. You're just getting your just desserts. I spent my precious time with Seth worrying about you, when your lies ran deeper than tree roots and your lips told me only what I wanted to hear. Bye Darlene. Have a nice life."

And I left that bitch standing there in the atrium and didn't look back. Seth, on the other hand, stood there and laughed his ass off for half an hour at the fact that Darlene was really a cheating whore. It got annoying after a while, so to shut him up I kissed him, right as Darlene walked by. Seth flicked her off and she stormed off screaming obscenities in Spanish.