Dead Girl Inc.

Dead Girls Inc

The pain is excruciating but I keep running for my life. Every muscle in my body screams out for mercy and my brittle bone buckle under my constant weight. It is winter and a fresh blanket of snow covers the forest floor. The dead trees give me no shelter from the harsh winter winds that is making my silk dress wrap around me like a frozen cocoon; chilling me to the bone. My bare feet are frozen to the point that I am sure they are black from frostbite. My only comfort is that I can’t feel my numb feet hitting the broken branches that are peeking up out of the snow.

Storm clouds mask the entire night sky making the world around me pitch black. I stumble around trying to make my way to safety, wherever that might be. The only light I can see is that of the Mansion, it illuminates just enough of the forest that I know which way to run, once I enter the black I will be completely lost. Suddenly I can hear them. Men and their dogs are coming after me. Damn I thought they wouldn’t notice so quickly. If I could just
make it to the river they wouldn’t be able to find me. I run faster, pushing my limbs harder.

The forest becomes more impenetrable until it abruptly opens up into a large clearing that is at least a mile long on both sides. I have no choice but to enter it and hope that they cant catch me. I can hear the sound of running water far down the hill. I am almost there. The men grow louder as I suspect they have found my trail. I enter the clearing hating the feeling of behind exposed. I am a red flag in a see of white.

As I go farther the collar around my neck tightens making it hard to focus. My head is pounding from the pressure. Blood starts too flow out of my ears and my nose mixing with my sweat. I am pleased with the warm trails it leaves on my face. I forgot what its like to be warm. My stomach churns at the sent of blood. I am reminded that I have not had a meal in days. The hunger pains momentarily distract me from my mission. What would it be like to have a warm meal in front of a fire? It seems like eternity since I last experienced that.

The clearing seems to go one forever. My body is shaking from over use and despair. I can see the men now. They have entered the clearing and they have spotted me. Their dogs pull them along toward me. Their flashlights light the sky and I can see the river. It is only a few yards away. Suddenly the ground is coming up to meet me, it takes me hitting the ground to know that I have fallen. I must have tripped over a branch. I am not surprised when I hear my leg snap. I feel like I should be in pieces.

My body rolls down a small hill bruising my body more with ever impact. Finally I stop landing face down in the snow, the river is only a few feet away. I can see it but I can’t move. My leg is broken and I am to week to move. The men are closer now. I lay still hoping that they wont see me in the snow, of course it is a false hope. For the first time in ages I did something that I promised myself I would never do again, I cried. I wept silently to myself as I waited for a death that I knew would never come


No matter how many times I walk to Mansion hallways it always gives me the chills. This place is Hell so why is it so cold? There is no art in the Mansion only mirrors. They line the hallways every few feet giving it a daunting atmosphere. I do not stop to see my reflection. There is no need. Instead my red silk dress reflects off the black marble floor onto the ivory walls making a red haze radiate around me, I am always distracted by the beauty of it. This is my power dress. I only wear it for new clients. First impressions are everything. Or so they tell me. The straps ties around my neck leaving my back completely bare. The plunging neckline stops just above my navel leaving little to the imagination. A single strap of fabric wrapped around my waste keeping the dress closed so I don’t fallout of it. The fabric hugs my body perfectly and at the hips it flares out off my body in different layers. When I move it appears that I am gliding across the floor. The dress is a perfect contrast between my porcelain skin and fair hair, making my green eyes pop.

Even thought the other girls have seen the dress many times, the ones in the hallway cant help but stop to look at me. I hold my head up high as I make my way to the bedroom, ignoring the cameras that hang on the walls above me. Every room has a different theme to it. Some are basic bedrooms for the more conservative client. Others are more exotic. My favorite is the “Magic Lamp” room. I stop in front of the door trying to center myself. Taking a deep breath I enter the room, I don’t bother with knocking.

The room is every shade of red and purple one can think of. The walls are a light maroon color while the floor is covered with purple Persian runs. There are plied on top of one other is no particular fashion. Pillows cover much of the floor and surround the bed. I like this room because no matter how many times you fall you can never get hurt.
The large king sized bed lays dead center of the room with a deep plum colored canopy hanging over it. Candles are scattered sporadically throughout the room.
In the far corner of the room stood a young man. He has his back to me and I couldn’t see what he was looking at, obviously he hadn’t heard me come in. I stand there for a moment appreciating that fact that they finally sent me a man that looked to be the same age as me. He had on loose fitting slacks, a blue collared shirt and his dark hair was cut short. The man stood a few inches taller them me when slumped over. I knew that if he were standing straight up he would be at least six feet three.

Growing impatient by the silence and his ignorance I decided to make the first move. Making my way over to him I try to be as quiet was possible. I place myself directly behind him and lean my head over to see what he is looking at. He isn’t looking at anything. I notice that his eyes are closed and his hands are raised slightly as though he was cupping something in them, but they are empty. His lips are moving so slightly that if I weren’t right next to him I never would have noticed. What is he doing? It looks as though he is praying?

“ Do you need a few more minutes?” I whisper into his ear. He is so shocked by my sudden presence that he throws himself backwards into me knocking me to the ground. Luckily I fell on one of the large floor pillows. The look on the mans’ face is enough to make me burst into laughter. It is one of complete horror.

“ Oh shoot! Are you all right? You scared me.” His voice was deep and sensual. I smile at his concern.

“ Yes I’m fine.” The man holds his hand out to me and helps me to my feet. I delay on letting him go. His hands are rough from a lifetime of hard work. Most men that come here don’t know how to lift a finger. I bring his hand to my face and rub his hard calloused skin against mine. He does not make a move on me but he does not move away either. My eyes find his and discover that in his deep brown eyes is fear. He is scared of me.

“ Is this your first time?” I ask him while I keep his hand against my cheek? He doesn’t say anything only nods. I drop his hand from my cheek but keep it in my hands. Slowly I weave my way threw the see of pillows and lead him to the bed. I can see how nervous he is and I try to sooth him by rubbing his arms as I sit myself on the bed. I pull him on the bed with me and turn him around so that his back is pressed against my front. My legs are wrapped around his waste and tucked under his legs.

“ There is no need to be nervous. I wont hurt you,” I whisper in his ear as I reach around to unbutton his shirt.

“ I trust you.” He breaths back to me. I glide my nails up and down his chest, smiling at the goose bumps on his skin.

“ You trust to easily. You don’t even know my name.” I pull back so I can slip the rest of the shirt off of him. “ Its Basi by the way.” He sucked his breath in sharp has I ran my finger long the rim of him ear.

“ I’m Alex.”

“ Its nice to meet you Alex.” I lean my head down to inhale his scent. Its so nice to have a man that actually smells good. My lips barely touch his neck when I feel him stiffen. I pull back and lean forward so I can look at him.

“ I thought you said you trust me.” I teased. I smiles at him trying to reassure him that everything will be ok.

“ I do. I’m just new at all this I don’t know what to expect” he smiles back at me trying to hide his embarrassment. It doesn’t work. He has been blushing since he found out I was here.

“ There is nothing to worry about. I promise that you till enjoy it.” I take his hand in mine and hold it against his chest. With the other hand I brush my long blond hair to one side and lean in over his neck. I press my lips to his neck and start to message the area with my tongue. I slowly open my mouth just a little bit so I can nibble on the skin to get him use to the sensation. Then without a hesitation I sink my sharp fangs into his flesh and proceed to suck his blood.