Status: a work in progress it is being written by hand as i go along and then later when the chapter is finished being typed

The Royal Life From Hell


I had just started to change into my night clothes when Alexander walked in. “Alexander!! Do you mind I’m trying to change” I screamed. “Sorry.” he said immediately exiting the room. *Was he … blushing…?* ˚Maybe he’s never seen a naked girl before. You never can tell with mortals.˚ *True but there’s something different about him, something in his aura that I can’t quite pinpoint but I’m not sure he is entirely mortal.* ˚He acts like a mortal.˚ *Who asked you?* ˚No one I give my opinion when and where I damn well please.˚ *You are impossible!* ˚Yes, you are.˚ I finished getting dressed and got into the bed. Just as I had gotten comfortable there was a knock on the door, “Are you decent?” Alexander called from the other side of the door. “Yes Alexander I’m dressed.” He walked in and said, “Did you get dressed in the dark?” “Yes.” “You Miss Fate are a very strange girl.” “Thank you for noticing. Now if you will excuse me I’m trying to sleep.” “Really? I would have never noticed.” He said sarcastically. “Well I was.” “If you say so. I hope you find my bed to you liking.” He said smiling. After that he left the room. *He’s so sweet he’s letting me sleep in his bed.* I thought smiling. ˚Don’t tell me you falling for that commoner! ˚ I didn’t reply. ˚ You are aren’t you?! If only Amara were here to see this. What do you think she would say? ˚ *Don’t you dare bring Amara into this!* ˚Why? Touchy subject? ˚ *If you don’t drop it right now you will regret it!* She shut up.

Over the next couple of weeks Alexander and I developed a silent agreement that I would come and go as I pleased with no questions asked. I could tell that every time I came back he wanted to ask questions but he never did.

“So I’m really not allowed to ask any questions?” “No you’re not.” “Not even when you birthday is?” “No you’re not allowed to ask me when my birthday is, but if you were and I answered you truthfully I would tell you that my and my twin’s birthday is All Hallow’s Eve.” “And if you did that would make me smile.” I rolled my eyes at him. *Only the rest of today until I can go see Evera.* It was getting dark so I went into what had become my room over the past month and changed into my night clothes. I fell asleep knowing that I was going to get to see Evera tomorrow.

The sun has just risen as I got out of bed the next morning and got dressed. *Too bad I won’t get to see Alexander anymore after today.* ˚Why won’t you? Oh right that whole ‘not living past 16 dilemma. Oh well it’s for the best. ˚ I smelled something burning so I went downstairs to investigate.

When I reached the bottom of the staircase Alexander was standing there holding what I assumed was the source of the smell. “Happy Birthday Fate!” “Thanks.” *Too bad I won’t be around much longer.* “Well I’d love to stay but I have other plans.” “I understand.” “I’d better get going.” I said as I walked out the door. I took Midnight and we went to the house where I had to leave Evera. “Fate!” “Hey Elizabeth long time no see sis.” I said smiling. “I’m actually ready to go home.” “Well it was your idea to come up here in the first place so you only have yourself to blame. I on the other hand don’t really want to go home yet.” Evera had a shocked expression on her face. “Normally you can’t wait to go home. What gives?” “Well… I…” “You what? Come on Dementia tell me.” “I met someone.” “Wait. What?! Since when do you fall in love?” “Since now? I don’t even know. You know how I still have my fangs in this life?” “Yeah, lucky.” “Well he knew they were real fangs and not just normal teeth that happened to look like fangs.” “He did? Wow.” “Well I’ll see you at home tomorrow.” “Yep. Bye sis.”