Status: Complete

The Fire's in Their Eyes


May 27th 9:00 p.m.

There was a party tonight. 257 Horace Crescent. Jaxon Miles was going, despite the fact that he wasn't invited. There’s about 300 of 'THE popular' kids at Greenvale High, and only THE popular kids get invited. Jaxon was not one of those 300. Hell, he wasn't even part of the second wave of populars. But he was going for he had a date with the Devil.

By the time Jaxon had reached the house, the door was wide open and people had sprawled all over the lawn in their obvious drunken stupor. He stares and mutters to himself, "Lovely..." mentally kicking himself. Remembering to use his legs, he makes his way to the house, full of sex driven, alcohol induced, completely and utterly hormonal teenagers. As he steps inside, being careful to step over the abandoned red cups and their abandoned owners, he notices her.

Kailey Ashford, his best friend. There she stood, red cup in hand, eyes wandering; searching for someone familiar even in the slightest. It was an odd sight to see her alone. Kailey stuck to her Irish roots; the party animal, the loud, obnoxious mannerisms, the social butterfly. But these were not her kind of people, and she stuck out like a sore thumb in skinnies and a band tee. Her eyes locked with his and instantly a grin was plastered to her face. Her hand shot up into the air, flailing about in an attempt to catch his attention. Jaxon smiles and makes his way towards her, watching her breathe an obvious sigh of relief as her reached her.

"You, my friend, are my knight in shining armor."

He smiles, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, well. I try my best at saving damsels in distress."

"They should reward you a medal for your efforts. Perhaps a drink?" She dangles her red cup in front of him, the quizzical expression present on her face.

Normally, Jaxon would say yes, but this time he hoped he'd be the one to escort this damsel home.

"No thanks, Kai," he says, as he swings an arm over her shoulder, "Someone's gotta be sober enough to take you home."

Laughing, she lightly jabs him in the side. "Very funny, Jax."

"What I find funnier is the fact that not only have you crashed my party, Miles. But you have your arm on my girl, too."

Kailey's eyes go wide at the sound of her boyfriend’s voice. "Why didn't you tell me that you weren't invited to this?!" She whispers hurriedly.

Jaxon just shrugs, "Never brought it up, I guess."

She jabs him again, but his arm still hasn't moved from the spot on her shoulder.

“Jaxon, you know what he can do.”

“Kai, I’m not scared of him.”

She shakes her head, “You should be. I am.”

He looks straight into her eyes, “You don’t have to be.”

April 16th 5:30 p.m.

Jaxon could hear yelling as he got closer to Kailey’s house. He usually shrugged it off; her neighbors were a vicious pair, but this time something just wasn’t right. Walking faster, he finds out that the yelling is coming from her house. He sees her and her boyfriend, Brody Kingsley, standing on her front porch.

“I don’t understand, Brody! What did I do that was so wrong?”

“What did you do wrong? What did you-“

“Yes! Please, enlighten me with my mistake.”

“Don’t you dare interrupt me! What did I tell you, huh?”

Jaxon can only watch in fear as he walks faster up the sidewalk, as Brody pushes his best friend roughly against the brick. His 6’2’’ frame blatantly overpowering her 5’3’’.

“Don’t you ever, ever interrupt me again. You hear me? I said, do you hear me?!”

She nods slightly, with fear apparent in her eyes.

“Yeah, I hear you. I’m sorry.” She says quietly.

“Good. That’s my girl. Don’t make me yell at you again, you know I don’t like doing it.” He says, as he brings her into his arms.

Jaxon watches her nod into his chest as he walks up the pathway.

“Hey Kai, ready to go?” He says, hoping to take her away from here.

She looks up from Brody’s chest, bloodshot eyes staring at Jaxon, silently praying that he didn’t see what just happened. Brody glares at him, almost threatening that he better not tell anyone. Then he speaks,

“Hey Miles. Mind if I steal Kailey away from you today? I think she should give her boyfriend a day with her. Right, babe?”

She doesn’t answer right away, the fear is still apparent in her eyes, the question still lingers. He squeezes her arms, hard enough to bruise her pale skin. “I said, right, babe?”

She nods her head slowly, eyes still locked with Jaxon’s.

“Yeah, see Miles? It’s boyfriend girlfriend day. Why don’t you just scurry off? Go play with your guitar or something.”

Jaxon can say nothing as he gives Kailey one long last stare as Brody pulls her away into the house.

May 27th 9:25 p.m.

“Jaxon, you don’t have to do this!” Kailey says, with a quiver in her voice.

“Yes, I do Kai. I do.”

“Jax, look at them! They’re three times your size, they’re monsters for Christ’s sake! This is all fun and games to them, Jaxon. They could kill you… and they won’t look back.” She finishes, now face to face with him. Her bright green eyes are begging, pleading him not to continue.

Jaxon shrugs, “I think I could take them.”

“You’re playing with your life, Jax! This isn’t a game of truth or dare.”

He places his hands on either side of her face, “I have to do this, Kai. Not for my sake, but yours. This Kingsley guy doesn’t deserve you; you’re much too good for him. And you; you deserve so much more than what you’re getting from him. I know you feel like you’re not going to get anything better, but I see differently. You’re going to find someone who understands how truly amazing you are. Who is going to think that you’re breathtakingly beautiful even when you’re just wearing your sweats. You’re going to find that person, and I’ll be there to watch it happen. I promise. And I promise to love you, even when you think no one else can.” With that, he places a soft kiss on her forehead, and a tear rolls down her face.

“Be safe, Jax. Please.”

She hugs him tightly, almost as if she were afraid to let go.

She’s forced to, however, when Jaxon is pulled away and thrown against the wall behind him.

“Miles,” Brody says, with a calm behind his voice so eerie it makes you shiver, “what did I tell you about touching my things?”

Struggling for breath, he states, “She’s not a plaything, Kingsley. She’s not something you can own.”

Brody chuckles, “Oh, Miles, Miles, Miles. How wrong you are. ‘Cause, you see, I already do. She’s mine. You know it. I know it. She knows it. She belongs to me, no one else. And no one, no one will stand in between me and my things.”

She stands on the side, watching her boyfriend strangle her best friend against the wall. “Brody, don’t do this. You don’t have to hurt him. I’ll make him leave, I swear. He won’t bother you ever again.”

He chuckles, “Sorry, sweetheart. What’s done is done. Now close your eyes, wouldn’t want you to get nightmares or anything.”

Turning back to Jaxon he says, “Oh, Miles, why so blue? Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her.

Jaxon shuts his eyes, desperately trying to think of a way out of Brody’s grasp. Suddenly, his eyes shoot open, and he glares at his captor. He smiles slowly and jabs him once in the jugular. Brody drops him, grasping for breath.

By this point, a crowd has gathered in the backyard, and when Brody’s henchmen pinned Jaxon to the ground face first, the crowd roared with excitement. Kailey stands in the front, eyes welling up with tears.

“Jaxon, don’t do this. Please.” She begs.

“Yeah, Miles. Listen to your best friend. Last chance, fight, or stay alive.”

He looks up at Brody, “I’m not afraid of you, Kingsley.”

Brody crouches, looking down at Jaxon, “You should be.” He stands back up and glares, “You really should be.” A loud crack is heard as Brody’s boot makes contact with Jaxon’s face.

9:45 p.m.

Brody and Jaxon stand face to face in the middle of the circle, which by now is just a few people.

“Miles, why continue? Look at you, you’re a mess. Just go, get away from here. Beat it.”

Jaxon just shook his head, wiping the blood as it dripped into his eyes. “No, Kingsley. You’re not going to win this. I’m not scared of you.”

“Blah blah blah. Y’know, Miles. I praise you for your bravery and wit. It’s astonishing, really. I mean you took all of that and you’re still standing,” Brody chuckles slightly, but then his expression turns cold. “But this is where it ends, Miles. Right here, right now.”

“Give me your best shot, Kingsley.”

Brody nods, cracking his knuckles. He lunges at Jaxon, his fist again making contact with Jaxon’s already broken jaw.

10:02 p.m.

Kailey drags his arm over her shoulder in attempt to support him. “That, Jaxon Miles, could’ve been the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”

He smiles, “It could’ve. But it wasn’t.”
♠ ♠ ♠
For nicotine dream. 's contest.
That's it. ^^
I'm really sorry that it's late >.<
But here it is.
Comments are cool.