That Beautiful Kind of Magic


"I never took you for a wine drinker, Ellie." Dani looked at me with a questionable look on her face as I explained what I needed to pick up.

The night lights of this town made every girls' night out unforgettable. Whether it was the drinks, the parties, or even just the scene, we all had a good time. No doubt about that.

This was particularly a four person plan. Lila, Dani, Sierra, and I always picked random things to do, and we always managed to enjoy it in some way or another.

I shrugged, "I can change it up a bit for John."

"Of course you could." Lila rolled her eyes. "What Johnny boy wants, Johnny boy gets."

I purposely dropped my jaw, "Not true! I love John."

"And yet clearly not enough to marry him.." Sierra pitched in with a laugh.

"Oh, right! What was this, the third time?" Dani said sarcastically.

I shrank in my seat, "Am I wrong for saying no?" I said quietly.

My friends looked at me with blank faces. Of course they wouldn't know. I mean, I don't even know if I'm right for saying no.

Lila cleared her throat, "Maybe you should say yes? I mean, that would be the benefit of a long engagement, right?"

"Yea, but if I do that, it'd be too awkward for us to even be just friends."

"Then I'm out of suggestions."

"You're positive you don't want to break it off with him?" Dani asked.

"Yes, I'm positive. I love him and I don't want to let him go." I sighed. "Well, you know. It's those little doubts."

I let our conversation go in and out of my problems. This night was not about me, and I wanted it to stay as far away from me as possible.

One of my pet peeves was always how people stay on the same topic for a long period of time and never let it go. I might do it, but it's still a pet peeve.

I said goodnight to the girls with my chilled wine in a bag carried by one hand and my new Burberry dress in the other. Normally I hated designer clothes, but, again, I'll make an exception if it's for John. Everyone needs to splurge every once and a while, right? Right.

When I got to the front of my building, the stars had finally started to shine. I smiled to myself as one was placed directly above me.

"I wish I could just be happy with John. The end. I want a fairy tale." I whispered to myself.

What? A girl can't wish on a shooting star anymore? Besides, I think every girl has wished that their life was a fairytale. Princess in distress. Handsome prince with the hypnotic smile..

Yea, that's basically anyone's fairytale with the exception of men who think women still have cooties when they're already in their mid-forties.

I stepped into mine and John's apartment. My hair was pushed back by the aroma of french vanilla and rose petals. Every light was off, it seemed. Instead, they were all substituted with pale candles that lined every surface, putting a glow over the room.

"John?" I set down my bags at my feet before slipping off my coat.

I looked down to my feet only to find a pool of red and pink rose petals covering my boots. They continued to trail through the apartment.

I smiled and shied them away. I picked one up and held it to my skin, letting the scent inebriate my nostrils. I sighed, once again finding something else.

A little note revealed itself under the puddle of red and pink.

Get over to the bedroom, if you hadn't figured out already.

Bring that wine with you(;


I smiled once again, setting the note down and picking up the bottle of wine. I let my feet follow the bee-line of petals towards the bedroom.

"You're beautiful when you're lost."Someone John whispered into my ear behind me.

I whipped around, "I was not lost. Just taking in the moment." I held up the wine. "1988, Chateau Cantenac Brown Margaux." I let a smile slip through my lips. "Good enough."

John nodded with a hinting smile, "Sounds good to me." He set his lips on mine. I felt his hand touch mine, taking away the wine and placing it on the nearest table. "I don't think we need that just yet."
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Yea, I know I'm overdue..