That Beautiful Kind of Magic


Wake up.

Wake up, Annabelle. The sun is up before you are.

Wake up.


I shot up from my bed in a cold sweat. My hair frayed in all directions, pointing here and there until they grew weak and fell down to either ends of my face.

Cold. I felt a sudden chill against my skin. It wasn't until this moment that I realized my chest and the rest of my skin were exposed. Panic struck me.

I fell to the floor out of my clumsiness to grab a shirt. A lady should never be bare regardless of her status. That was what my mother always told me.

My hands reached for and over-sized black fabric. After I slipped it on, I caught a whiff a something. It smelled like coffee and honey. I stood in my spot just taking it in with my eyes closed. It was John's shirt. This was John's cologne. But where was he?

"John?" I called. My voice drifted.

The sheets on my bed frame shuffled. They seemed to fold themselves to the side. There John lay with a drowsy smile on his face.

"Morning." He yawned.

I crawled back in bed with him, resting my head on his bare skin. I sighed.

What happened last night?

Let's see.. I remember.. Wine.. Burberry dress.. Vanilla.. Candles.. Rose petals.. Oh.

Hehe, right. That's what happened...

John groaned, "God, I'm tired.."

I chuckled, "I, on the other hand, am not."

John rolled over so that we were facing each other. He smiled, "Are you busy today? Would you be willing to lie here in bed with me all day?"

I thought about it, "I would be willing to.. If I didn't have to work on my book."

I'm a writer. An amateur writer, yes, but I am a writer nonetheless. I met with a publisher already, and now all I need to do is finish the book. How hard could it be?

John pouted. "But I'll miss you.."

"And I'll miss you." I smiled then placed a tiny kiss on his lips. "But that just makes seeing you again all the better."

"Well, when you put it that way..." John rolled over again, this time on top of me. His face hovered over mine, his cheeks slightly pink. I could smell the faint aroma of peppermint from his lips.

"Yes?" I chuckled.

"Can't I at least see you in the new dress?"