London Calling

The Reverend Grumpy Pants

Over to Matt, Johnny and Jimmy

It had been a very eventful few days and Matt was grateful that things seemed to be calming down. He hoped that Brian had taken the advice he was given the night before and had told Zack how he felt about him. Matt wasn’t partially homophobic, but he did find it weird that two of his best friends were gay. In all honesty it was the thought of them having sex that made him feel uneasy, more than anything he wanted to see them happy. Not to mention it was getting annoying seeing them pussy foot around each other, trying and failing to hide what was true in their hearts.

He sat up and laughed to himself at the sound of Jimmy stumbling towards the bathroom.
“Fucking door! Why the hell are you there?” Jimmy’s hangovers were always the funniest because he would always turn into a grumpy old man cursing anything that got into his way.
Jimmy was definitely in worst state than Matt was, but somehow always seemed to be able to recover in a matter of minutes. He usually did it by getting drunk again. As for Johnny, he was still fast asleep. That’s how he dealt with it; he just slept his hangovers away.

Jimmy’s POV

“Hangovers are a pain in the backside! There are designed to punish you for having a good time. I wish someone would invent alcohol that doesn’t make you feel like shit in the morning. It doesn’t help that I can never see when I’ve just gotten up, adding dizziness and possible nausea is not what I asked for first thing in the morning.” Yeah I was talking to myself, and no I am not crazy. I just have to vent my anger some way. Besides I’m sure Matt could hear me, he has abnormal hearing.

I splashed a load of cold water on my face to try to wake myself up. It never worked, but at least was a bit cleaner than I was before. It was strange but I felt confident that we were finally going to go back a nice normal holiday, have a nice relaxing day like the ones before everything kicked off. To be honest I didn’t mind the drama, we didn’t have a TV so it was something to watch.

I thought about what we could that day to pass the time, where we could go that we could go to enrich our souls or something. In reality I wanted a normal uneventful day and more importantly I wanted to give my liver a rest. After thinking long and hard, on the toilet mans great thinking place, I decided on the Tate gallery. I had read that they had an exhibition up which were just massive slides that went through the entire building. No matter how you are there is nothing more fun than going down massive slides and you know it.

Johnny’s POV



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It might not seem like but I am going somewhere this is just need to get them out of the hotel before I move properly back in to the story.

And for once I have actually planned ahead, so I do know what is going to happen but knowing my indesive naturre i might change as I go along =] right i have to stop rambling and go to bed

happy reading