London Calling

Temper Tantrums

I walked out into the sofa area to find Jim and John actually eating breakfast for the first time this holiday. Normally they weren’t awake early enough and went straight for lunch, then again I had slept in that morning. After everything that had been going on I needed the rest. What I thought was going to a quiet morning/afternoon was suddenly turned upside down by Zack storming in ranting and raving about beans or something, closely followed by Brian who trying his best not to laugh at Zacky’s strop.

“Zacky, what’s up dude?” I approached with caution, I’ve been on the receiving end of one his bad moods before, it was pretty and I really did not want to go through it again.

“He called me a three year old!” I knew that he would come out with something stupid but I didn’t think it would something as petty as this.

“Actually I said you eat like a three year old. Get it right Baker.” Brian corrected.

“That’s beside the point you still said it.” Zack was acting more and more like a kid and I was starting to see where Bri was coming from.

“Why did you call him a three year old?” I sighed. The amount of silly little tiffs I’ve so sort out between these two is ridiculous.

“I DIDN’T CALL HIM A THREE YEAR OLD! I SAID HE EATS LIKE ONE!” Brian screamed. This was going to be harder than I thought.

“Ok then, why did you say he eats like a three year old.” I swear to god it’s like having kids.

“Because he eats like a retard when he’s hung over, there was food sliding off his plate and he chews like he only just got his teeth. I was trying to say it in a cute way, but as always this one here jumped on the defensive bandwagon.” Brian wasn’t being nice but he did have a good point. Zack did return to preschool when he was even slightly under the weather.

“You were trying to be nice?” Zack had moved from furious to playing the innocent in the blink of an eye. I want to know how he does that.

“Yeah I was; it was really cute.” As he finished speaking Brian’s face flushed red. Fuck! Synyster Gates is blushing, over a guy. This is getting too weird for words.

“Oh I didn’t realise, I’m sorry baby.” He said getting up to hug him.

“Did you just call him baby?” I questioned thinking that my mind was playing tricks on me.
“I did? Oh I did it without thinking.”

“I think it’s really sweet, come here.” And with that for the first time I saw two of my best friends and fellow band mates, doing what can only be described as eating each other’s faces. As I said before I’m not homophobic, but seeing that for the first time with people so close can make you feel a bit uneasy.

“Ok break it up you two. We should decide on something to do today, that doesn’t involve drinking. I don’t know about you guys but my liver could do with a rest.” The lover birds parted and Jimmy put his bottle of whiskey back in the cupboard. Come to think of it I don’t know where that came from; he said he was out yesterday and that he didn’t want to drink.

“So where are we going today then?” Asked Zack who had now curled up with Brian on the sofa. In a very weird way they make a cute couple.

“Tate Modern.”

“Who said that?” I wondered looking around the room. The voice sounded like Jimmy but I couldn’t see him.

“I did. Down here.” I looked to floor to see Jimmy lying under the coffee table.

“I don’t even want to know why you’re under the coffee table but ok, Tate Modern sound like a good idea.” God knows what might happen today.
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Sorry I've been off for a while but flu got me last week and I spent most of my time in bed. However I am currently writing and editing the next few chapters which have the "conflict", but I shall not say anymore and let you enjoy the stupid arguement