Status: Active.

You Belong With Me


I left the house in a rush as I want to get to the library when it just opens.

I start to drag my feet as I pull out my mp3 and headphones, I put the headphones on and press play. My favorite song of the Jonas Brothers come on, fly with me. I start daydreaming, I imagine Nick running to me, placing his warm, muscular arms around my waist while I'm unable to speak.

I was startled by a familiar voice calling me from behind. Nick ran to me, like I imagined, but unfortunately the rest of my daydream didn't come true.

'Hey stranger,' He stares at me deeply, 'Where you going?'

I look at him and smile crookedly, 'I'm off to the library,' I look away feeling embarrassed.

He laughs and I feel excitement rush through my body. He puts his muscular arms around my waste and shakes me gently, 'Taylor, your a geek,' He smiles. I look away when tears well in my eyes.

He thought I was a geek like everyone else? Did he just hang with me because he was bored? I bit my tongue scared that I would say something I would regret. He stops me and turns me to face him.

'Taylor, it's not a bad thing, I admire you for it,' He says with his tone changing.

I stare deeply in his beautiful eyes.

He strokes my cheek, and my whole body erupts into shivers. I hear a laugh occur from his throat.

'I know,' I lie, and smile to try to convince him.

'Taylor, I'm sorry if I upset you,' He replies.

'You didn't,' I say while my voice starts shaking.

He squeezes me to his warm chest, clinging on to me tightly, 'I'm sorry,' He says. I close my eyes never wanting to let go, but then he moves away swiftly.

'Come on,' He says.

'Where we going?' I ask curiously.

'Were both going to the library,' He held out his hand and I grip my hand to his, we start to walk slowly.

* * *

'Is that it Taylor?' He looks at me.

'Yeah, that will do,' I reply.

We briskly walk outside and Nick sits at a bench and he pulls my arm to sit too.

We start to talk about the books I have lent from the library, when to my dismay I hear the a horn blow from a parked car in front of us, it was Lindsay. She smiles at Nick and stares me down, obviously hating the way she saw Nicks eyes fixated on me.

'I..I'll see you later Taylor,' Nick says looking away from me quickly while rushing over to Lindsay, he jumps over Lindsay's car door, then sits into the seat next to her.

I try to repeat in my head that there partners in Geometry and that meant nothing but I knew that Lindsay was after him, she was only tagging him along out of spite, she would do anything to make my life more miserable than what she already made it.