Status: Active.

You Belong With Me

009: Nicks point of view.

I woke up after hearing my alarm. I leap to my wardrobe and pick the first thing I see. After all I don't need to impress anyone today.

I slam my front door shut. I start walking down the road pulling out my MP4 from my pocket while I continue walking, You belong with me[/i[ started playing by Taylor Swift. I quickly press the next button not wanting to her that song right now.

* * *

I walk into the class room seeing smiles and people welcoming me as I enter. I scan my head around to look for Taylor but her desk was empty.

How could I be so stupid? Obviously she wasn't interested in me, I had made a fool out myself. If she doesn't feel the same way about me, I need to prove that I'm over it.

I casually walk over to Lindsay sitting with her friends.

'Hey Lindsay,' I say as I walk over to her. Lindsay catches my gaze and smiles widely.

'Hey you,' She says as she flaunts her hair.

'Can I sit in the desk next to you?' I say looking into her piercing green eyes.

'Of course you can,' She says.

'Lindsay, that's my desk,' One of Lindsay friends says with an unfamiliar voice.

'You don't mind, do you Rochelle?' Lindsay says glancing at her.

She nods her head and walks towards another desk close to Lindsay.

'Wheres your nerd today?' Lindsay says glaring at me. I felt hurt.

'She's accepted that I'm too good for her,' I lie feeling guilty by what I just said.

'Finally,' she says smiling, 'Your way to good for her. You need someone with more class,'

I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. I wanted to scream at Lindsay saying,'Taylor is perfect for me,' but instead I don't say anything because I don't want to make a fool out of myself as Taylor doesn't think I'm perfect her.

'I agree,' I say uncomfortably.

* * *

School finishes quickly and I leave school grounds. I start to walk home when I hear a car honk behind me, it was Lindsay.

'Want a lift?' She asks.

I nod and I walk towards her car and jump over the car door and sit.

* * *

She stops outside my house. It was silent for a few minutes until Lindsay spoke, 'You are way to good for her you know?' Lindsay says staring at me.

I look at her. She leans over to me saying, 'You shouldn't of wasted your time with her,'. She carries on leaning forward and then stops, she stares at me still. I then lean in forward and she moves closer to me pressing her soft lips against mine. Our lips were moving together really slowly. My hands were running through her silky hair. Then we both slowly pulled away in a gaze and smiled.

'I'll see you tomorrow Nick,' she says staring at me. I smile and casually open the car door and I shut it softly. I walk to my house, and I can't help but look at Taylor's house and I see her standing on her front yard very still, mascara was trembling down her red cheeks. I turned away quickly and I open my front door and enter.
♠ ♠ ♠
:( very sad.

any comments?