Status: Writing and may not write for a long time;)

Caught Red-Handed


All I could see was the two headlights skidding towards me. Nothing else mattered anymore... My legs seemed to freeze. I searched for what used to be my voice, but all that came out was a silent scream.
I wanted to look at Nick for one last time, because I knew that I would never see him again. I shot him a pleading look for forgiveness and turned back around to see the great big bus getting closer each second...

"NO!" yelled Nick. That made me feel even worse. He wouldn't really feel bad for me.. Would he? I wanted to move. To tell im how badly I loved him. The tears in my eyes, spilled over.

Suddenly, Nick gave a groan of anger and started running towards me. I stared at him in confusion. There was enough time for him to save me... but not enough time for him to save HIMSELF.
"NICK, NO! DON'T DO IT!" I had found my voice. The bus started screeching, trying to stop on the icy road. Nick bounded to me and pushed me so hard, I fell to the ground, feeling the breath escape my lungs in a huff. I watched in horror as the bus hit Nick and left him flying backwards...
"No!" I screamed. I ran to him as he crashed to the ground. He coughed blood and his left side seemed lower than his right. "Nick!" I yelled. "Nick! Get up! You're Ok!" People had started to run towards us.
" Sarah..." He coughed. I stared at him. Sarah?.... That made me cry agan. Someone must have called an ambulance, because a heard the sound of a siren. And the bus driver had left his bus and started to run to us.
I turned back o Nick, whose eyeballs were rolling backwards...
"NICK!" I grabbed his hands and shook them.
"Nick Jonas?!" I heard people say in the backround. "Who's she?" I heard them.

The ambulance stopped a few metres from us and two men with a stretcher ran to us. They hauled Nick onto the stretcher. I ran behind them an climed into the ambulance, sobbing now. I sat on the seat, Nick laying before me, oxygen mask on his face. I couldn't bear to touch him or even look at him.

Once at the hospital, they immediately took him in left me to worry. I had called Kevin and Joe. They immediately came...
"Megan!" shouted Joe, hugging me. "What happened... Does Sarah know?" I flinched at her name.
"He-he..." I sobbed. " He was hit by a bus, trying to save me... And no. She doesn't" I sobbed harder.
"Shhh.." said Joe, tightening the hug. Kevin was looking oddly at me..
"Megan...?" he said. " Why did Nick try to save you? And why didn't you tell Sarah? They are still together aren't they?"
I gulped. "Well... No. You see.. Well-ugh.. I- he.. She- Nick kissed me!" I had to lie.

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Wow... Sorry, it's not so good.. Best I could, anyway.
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