Status: Writing and may not write for a long time;)

Caught Red-Handed

Under and Over

I had no time to live. My life was over... I felt myself fly backwards and only when I hit the ground did I feel my broken bones scrape against each other. I felt something warm and wet build up in my mouth. I spat it out. And just then, I felt a shivering body hover against mine. Her hands were like ice against my numb ones. I wanted her to be Sarah.... And in my head, she was. It was Sarah who loved me. It was Sarah whom I loved.

" Sarah.." I choked.

The hands pulled back. And as I heard an odd ringing, I fell into nothingness...

* * * * *

I awoke in a strange white room with a wide window, revealing a rainy morning.
St-eeee-rike 1....
In the room, Megan sat in an armchair, snoring loudly. Not Sarah.
St-eeee-rike 2....
And sitting in a chair next to me, Joe was looking at me in a bad way...
St-eeee-rike 3...


"Hi." I said to Joe, sheepishly.
"Good morning, Mr. Superman."
"Uh, yeah... About that."
"Nick why'd you kiss Megan? Why did you do that to Sarah?" he asked.
I gasped. Megan had obviously lied. "What?!" I TRIED to yell, but my chest wouldn't allow it. "Ow" I winced.
"Don't pain yourself you idiot!" he whispered.
"But Joe. I didn't! SHE kissed me!" Megan, was a...Bitch.
"What? How! Megan said-"
"Joe she's lying! She loves me... Sarah saw her kiss me and she...hit me."
"Well good for Sarah. Wait, what?! Megan.. LOVES YOU?"
"But, did you kiss her back?"
"I-.... yes..."
Joe turned a bright shade of red. " How could you! Now you're going to go believing that you like her...!"
I didn't reply to that... Joe shot me a stern look before leaving the room. As the door clicked shut, Megan eyes began to flutter. I didn't want to talk to her so I immediately shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. I heard her tiptoe towards me and sigh.

"Nick, I know that you're awake..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh, she knows he's awake!
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