Status: Writing and may not write for a long time;)

Caught Red-Handed

Yeah Nicholas

I smiled as I watched Sarah broen head dissappear into the black night. She was my girlfriend for almost one and a half years now. She was perfect... Anything anyone could want. And I was surprised how long I had actually gone out with Sarah. A very long time for me. Almost too long... Longer than the time I had spent with any other girl for that matter.
A million thoughts whizzed in and out of my head as I drove down the familiar road back to my home.
Maybe it was time to make a change? No! What was I thinking.... Well, I was madly in love with her... But.... No.

"I'm home everyone!" I called as I closed the white door behind me. It was awkward not seeing anyone come to greet me.
" Nick, we're in the living room!" my mom called back. I got curious as I heard the voices of Kevin and Joe snickering and Frankie saying 'Ew.' I walked in through the doorway to see my mo standing in front of the TV tapping her foot looking at me.
"Nicholas Jerry Jonas! Explain yourself! How many times do we have to tell you! WATCH YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!" my mom bombarded me.
I peaked around her to look at the TV. Some idiot blonde reporter was talking about
'Nick ,Jonas and Sarah Nash's FIERY relationship' and then showing a photo of Sarah and I kissing at some restaurant. Great.
"Mom, yeah I know, it won't happen again." I said. Just then Kevin and Joe's laughs got louder.
"Nicholas, I've heard that too many times before to actually believe you..."
And before I could say anything, Joe stepped out from behind Kevin, still snickering,he looked sarcastically at me and said "Yeah NICHOLAS, how many times do we have to tell you? STOP SHOVING YOUR TONGUE DOWN THAT POOR GIRLS THROAT AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY YOU GET!!!" And then burst into very annoying howls of laughter. Just then, I really needed to hit something.
My mom looked sternly at the now laughing/crying Joe. "Look Nick-" she started while turning to me. I'd had enough.
"Fine mom. I hear you. 'Night" I cut. I turned my back and started to walk towards the door , shouldering Joe as I passed. And before anyone could say anything, I ran up the stairs.
I was exhausted. Physically and emotionally. So I jumped onto my bed, kicked my sneakers off, ripped the buttons and pulled my shirt off, threw it to the floor and into my bed sheets. I pulled the cover over my head. This was my personal sanctuary... Here, no-one could disturb me or my thoughts. So my mind wandered. First, I thought about my childhood... Then about fame. About the first concert I performed with Sarah. And then just Sarah. But by the time I got there, my eyes were already closing, pulling me back into peace, blackness and Sarah....
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww... Love.
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Love ya'!