Status: Writing and may not write for a long time;)

Caught Red-Handed

Sarah Vs. Megan

I woke up early that morning. All night I had dreamt about Sarah. And me. But disturbingly in the middle, Sarah's sister Megan had made her way into my vision... Wierd. It made me wonder while I had a shower. It was 9 am. After two hours of getting ready, I decided to go to Sarah's to talk about last nights news.

"Hey Nick!" Megan was the the one to open the door.
"Hi." I replied. "Is Sarah here?"
"Yeah, she's still sleeping..." Megan said, batting her eyelashes, pathetically.
I smiled as I saw Sarah's dad sitting in the dining room chair, reading the papers. He threw a dirty look at me.

Megan followed behind me as I made my way up the stairs. She dissappeared into er room, sulking, as I opened the door to Sarah's. She looked angelic in her light purple bed covers. And I couldn't bear it. I softly climed into her bed. Laying close to her, I put an arm over her, and used the other to stroke her dark hair. She smelled like raspberries. Mouthwatering.
"Nick..." she mumbled. I smiled as she turned around to hug me too. "Nick." she said again this time more loudly. Wow. She recognized me even in her sleep....
" It's me.." I murmured into her ear.
And then, her eyes started to flutter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh. I wish I had a bf like him... :D
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