Status: Writing and may not write for a long time;)

Caught Red-Handed

Wet Rage

Ugh! As if I didn't know why Nick was still dating Sarah... Publicity. I knew he really liked me... I saw it in his eyes. Like when he looked at me when I saw them kissing. Aww, he got embarrassed. And Sarah doesn't deserve Nick. Ok, he USED to like her, but now I know he's gotten bored.
"I'm back everyone..." Sarah called.
As she came into the living room, I turned around to look at her. It was obvious that she had been sleeping from her messy hair.
Something about my expression must have ben revealing, because when she turned to stare back at me, something dawned upon her face. I watched her face slowly change from pale pink, to bright crimson.
"Ugh, Megan you idiot! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SPY ON US TO SEE YOUR DEAR NICKIE KISS ME!! You ruin everything!" she bellowed.
I had to keep a good poker face. "I have no idea what your going off about..."
"Don't play coy! I know your little crush on him! Well wake up sister, he's MINE."
" You're losing your mind. As if I would actually LIKE a boy with curly hair..." Bitch.
" You suck at lying and I see the way you look at him and DROOL.!" She was going over the top now.
"I don't care what you think you see, you don't deserve him anyway!" Oops...
Shock crossed her face. " Soo, that's it?! That's what you think! You're JEALOUS?! Well keep on dreaming!"
I couldn't keep this up anymore. I struggled to keep a straight face I said my last. " Ugh, you're so full of yourself! I don't want your little boyfriend anyway! Just piss off!" And I ran up the stairs to lock myself in my bedroom, and let the tears flow down my cheeks freely...
Sarah knew. All along... Did I really give myself away so easily? And what if Nick knew?
I would have to try harder from now on.
I heard Sarah give one last scream of rage and slam her bedroom door. She was a bitch. A bad one. My own sister, yes.
Ok, at first I was all jazzed that my sister was famous and her songs were brilliant.. But then, it was JUST Sarah. Only her. Never me. And I envied her like hell when I saw her get on stage with Nick and his brothers. He was supposed to like ME.
The tears came faster...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh Megan... Idiot.