Status: Writing and may not write for a long time;)

Caught Red-Handed


UGH! As if she could fool me with her stupid lies! She loved my Nick! And it wasn't a crush 'cause now I when understood that she was JEALOUS, it all made perfect sense.. I would have to call Nick to explain what happened before Megan offended him in any way.
So I turned around to pick up my bag and fished for my cell.

' Beep Beep....Beep Bee- "Hello?"
"Hey, Nick... You're on handsfree right? I could spare a carcrash right now..."
He chuckled breathtakingly -even on the phone- and replied: " Yes Sarah, what's on your mind?"
"Uhh, weel it's not something I can talk about on the phone... If you could come over next morning or I could go to your place...?"
"Umm, no it's alright, I'll come over like 11 or something 'kay?" His voice sounded bewildered.
"Okay.. Goodnight - again."
" Goodnight."

I closed the phone to see it was 11:35. Still too early.. So to pass some time, I turned on my laptop, got into my silk nightgown and settled down into my bed. I decided to surf Google about Nick. And God damn me for staying up so late, because hat would be the biggest mistake I ever made... One of the biggest mistakes.

Halfway in between looking at his photos, something caught my eye. Underneath a photo of Nick and me, it said; ' ...fansite, Sarah N. haters...'. That bothered me a bit so I decided to check it out. It was a Nick Jonas fansite where stupid little girls gossiped about becoming my boyfriend's 'Future Wife'. Fat chance... There was a blog about me. I grimaced as I saw the first sentence.
'.... I hatehatehate Sarah Nash! Who does she think she is? Stealing MY boyfriend. I mean her voice doesn't even macth her gargoyle face!..." Nice.

And only about two people actually defended me, the others were Anti-Sarah girls. For some reason, they all reminded me of Megan....
'.... People back me up on this! Nick doesn't deserve a BITCH like Sarah'- OUCH- ' does he? And she probably asked him out herself!....'
'...Yeah! I don't believe the public story! Nick felt sorry her so-'
I slammed the laptops screen down. Enough. Ok yeah I had fans and haters...but I didn't expect this. I tried not to think about that alot. So I settled for listening to Nick's sweet voice sing me to sleep with 'Black Keys'....

* * * * *

I awoke startled by the clattering of my ipod to the wooden floor. I checked the clock on my table. It was 4 am. I yawned and fell back down into my pillow. Before I went to sleep again, I realised that I had saw a very strange dream.
Nick and I were in Italy. Venice... We had decided to go on a romantic Gondol ride down the river. The man behind us, had started to sing a romantic ballad. But in the middle, the man had turned into Megan. When I turned around to look at what happened, she attacked me. We restled fiercly rocking the boat and I was about to loose my balance. "Nick!" I called. "Nick, help me!" But Nick wouldn't answer. Instead, he just sat there watching we fall. And when I fell into the icy waters... Megan sat down to nestle into Nick arms and kiss him.
I thrashed in the river and began to drown.
Then, I felt warrm arms pull me back to safet. And when I turned around to see Nick, saving me.... I saw Joe. Joe had saved me... Not Nick.

Tears started to streak down the side of my head a nd drip to the pillow. I knew I was just being over sensitive, but I felt so distant from Nick... And I knew Megan would never stop trying untill she found someone else. I was the odd one. I silently sobbed myself to darkness...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I like this chapter. And this is sort of the climax. After this, things get comlicated.
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