Status: Read Orihime himex3's story to read Abbigail's look on things (:

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Chapter Six

Fred came back a little while later, with Abbigail on his back. There was a wet spot on his shirt, and Abbigail had looked like she had been crying. Louise was about to open her mouth to ask what was wrong, but she had decided against it when Fred spoke to George.

“I’m really sorry, Louise, I’ll be back in a little bit.” Fred explained before he turned to his twin. “Come on George.”

“Where are we going?” He asked as he looked up slowly.

“We’re going to our room, with Abbigail.”

“Why do I need to be there?”

“Because she needs us, you prat.” George sighed, as he got up and followed his brother up the stairs, and into their room.

Back in the living room Louise sat by herself, Hermione and Ginny had gone upstairs into Ginny’s room. The rest of the Weasley’s and the other adults were in the kitchen talking. She played with the sliver ring that was now on her finger. It looked perfect on her finger; well it did to her at least. ‘Maybe he really does care…’ Louise thought to herself. She sat there admiring her new favorite object, she switched the finger it was on and just looked at it. A few minutes later, she was interrupted by the voice she knew all too well.

“Sorry about that.” Fred said as he sat down next to her. “Where did everyone go?”

“Well, Harry and Ron were already upstairs, the rest of the adults and your brothers are in the kitchen and Ginny and Hermione went into Ginny’s room.”


“Well…what,” Louise asked. “Is that a problem?”

“No, no! Not a problem at all.”

“Alright then.”

It was silent for awhile, longer. It was awkward for the two of them. They had gone from not talking at all to talking again. Louise was happy, she was happy that Fred was finally talking to her again, and that he was actually proving to her that he cared. “Hey Fred…” Louise asked, looking down at her lap.

“Yes Louise…?”

“Well…” Louise was itching to ask him this. “Do…do you…uh…”

“Do I what…?”

“Do you like Abbie?” Louise mumbled.


“You don’t?”

“No I don’t.” He laughed slightly. “She’s like a little sister to me. I don’t like her like that.”

“Oh…okay then.” Silence filled the room yet again. The clock on the wall struck 8 o’clock and Louise’s parents were saying goodbyes. She excused herself from the room to wish her parents a Happy Christmas. “Happy Christmas, Mum, Dad.” Louise said as she hugged both of her parents.”

“Be careful in school dear.” Her mother said, kissing her forehead.

“Try not and get into any trouble.” Her father added doing the same, before waving one last time.

Louise walked back into the living sitting down next to Fred, she angled herself so that she was facing him, he moved the same way. “Can I ask you something now, Louise?” Fred asked.

“Sure, anything.” Louise smiled, she was relieved that he didn’t like Abbigail that way, she was happy he only like her as a sister.

“I’m just going to come straight out with it. Do you like Oliver?” Fred took a deep breath as though he was afraid of the real answer.

“Oliver is my friend, Fred. I promise.”

“Alright, fair enough.” They both laughed. After about an hour of chatting about what had happened when they weren’t talking, Mrs. Weasley had gone upstairs and a little while later came down with Abbigail and George, they all walked into the kitchen.

“You know I’ve missed this.” Louise admitted. “Just talking with you…in general actually.”

“I’ve missed talking to you too.” Fred said, looking into her eyes.

Louise looked above them; mistletoe had grown out from the ceiling. “Mistletoe…?” She asked, looking back down at Fred.

The two sat there staring into each other’s eyes. Fred and Louise both leaned into each other slowly before their lips met. It was only a few seconds before their kiss was interrupted.

“Awe, that’s so cute!” Abbigail said.

Louise face turned bright red, and Fred turned his so that no one could see it. George and Abbie stood there with smirks on their faces. “Well we’ll leave you two love birds alone.” George snickered as he and Abbigail walked back upstairs and into his and Fred

“Well…uh…it’s getting late…”

“Yeah…maybe we should just head to bed.”

“Good night, Fred.” Louise said quickly before she walked up the stairs and into Ginny’s room.


The next morning Louise got up, and got dressed and went downstairs to see the rest of the Weasley family. As she was walking down the stairs, she looked out the window and noticed that it was snowing. She was excited, even though she hated the cold, Louise loved the snow, and she always went out and played in the snow.

“Good morning, Louise!” George exclaimed as he came out of his room.

“Morning, where’s Fred and Abbie?”

“Oh they’re already downstairs, probably stealing all the good pancakes.”

“Mmmm…those pancakes do smell good…” Louise and George looked at each other, then the stairs and then each other. “Oh I don’t think so.” Louise said as she and George raced down the stairs to get to the kitchen.

“What on Earth is that noise!?” Mrs. Weasley yelled from in the kitchen.

“Yeah George, what is that noise?” Abbigail asked as him and Louise walked into the kitchen.

“Well sit down you two there is plenty for everyone.” Mrs. Weasley said as she placed another plate of pancakes between George and Louise. The two children fought for the first pancake.

“You two are like a pack of hungry animals.”

“Your mum’s pancakes are amazing.” Louise said before she took another bite of the pancake on her fork.

“Well, when you two animals are done eating. I think we should go outside and play in the snow.” Abbigail said as she fixed her black peace necklace.

“Goodidea.” George mumbled through a mouthful of pancakes.

“George Weasley you better not be talking with your mouth full!” Mrs. Weasley yelled as she washed some of the dishes.

Fred, Abbigail and Louise all laughed silently as George glared at them.

“Well I’m ready to get going.” Louise said as she finished wiping her mouth. “Anyone else?”

“I am.” Fred replied getting up out of his seat, and going to the door, to put his coat on. Louise got up, doing the same putting her hat on afterwards.

“I’ll be outside in a second.” Abbigail said as she handed her plate to Mrs. Weasley.

Fred and Louise walked outside together. “Hmm…I have an idea…” Louise smirked.

“And what about that be?”

“How about we…scare them.”

“Oh I like the way you think.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Louise's Outfit
Abbie's Outfit

I really apoligize for how bad this is.
I couldn't really think of anything to write.
I really hope you guys like it though.

Comment are love(:
