Taste The Sky And Feel Alive Again

Taste the Sky And Feel Alive Again

The sky was shaded vanilla, bringing out its own amazing shimmering white beauty. Adam watched as the sky lit a light blue, reminding him of the times he sat with Arabella on the lake’s shorefront, watching the stars kiss the morning awake. They would intertwine hands, fitting together perfectly, the spaces between his fingers perfect for hers. Brushing a stray lock from his hair, he reminisced. Those nights had been wonderful and every night since she had left, he had come to the lake front, the one place where he could sit on a makeshift wooden porch of an abandoned house, just watching the night softly change from black, to dark, blue, and eventually to creamy white before exploding into a shock of color that was created by gorgeous oranges, flaming red, and flirting pinks filled with fluffy orange tinted clouds.
He leaned back against the wood planks, his elbows bracing him on the stiff boards. A pang of regret shot through him as he thought of how much he missed her arms around him, the way she could keep him safe, keep him any way she wanted him, because she was that important to his life. Rolling on to his side, wood boards creaking beneath him, he flicked the flashlight he had brought on, using it to write a postcard to her. His eyes were bleary, having stayed up the last two days, just watching, waiting, hoping for her return, knowing it wouldn’t come . The pencil was blurry looking, but he was determined to send her the postcard. The glance at his hands made him feel sad, made him long for her hands to entwine with. The nostalgia made him shiver with a deep chill. He rolled back on to his back, waist deep in thought of her, of the memories they had shared together. The night on the porch, watching the sky rise just before she had to leave him. The twilight sky had been drenched in the same vanilla light, pouring over them like heavy atmosphere. It had been peaceful, beautiful, meaningful for him and yet filled with so much sadness, so much pain and regret.
His thoughts brought comfort to him. His world was changing, yes, because without her it set everything off balance, changed everything he had ever known since falling in love with her, but he would cope with it, determined to never forget her even though he had to adjust. Adam felt himself grow lighter, calmer, and much more relaxed. His eyes drifted shut. As he breathed deeply, he could smell her perfume, light and flowery. Bracing his arms under his head, he drifted, dreaming of her. All of his troubles melted away with his thoughts. He didn’t feel so alone as images of her violet eyes filled his mind, consuming him, invigorating him. He could freely taste the sky again, knew it would bring him comfort in the future.
Muffled steps brought his attention back into focus. The pale light provided from the vanilla twilight allowed him to see the faint outline of her.
His breath caught in his throat, his heart rate increasing, and for the first time in a long time, he could actually taste the vanilla of the sky, rich and sweet. He could see the colors more vividly around her approaching figure. It wasn’t just an off white shade anymore, but a shimmering, brilliant vanilla that was slowly morphing into light blue. Everything was sharper, clearer, more gorgeous than he thought could be possible.
She smiled, her violet eyes shining bright in the morning light. Gracefully, she allowed herself to sink beside him onto the hard wood porch. Leaning into him, she wrapped her arms around him and he felt the long forgotten comfort return to him. Repose turned back to his normal, energetic self.
“As many times as I’ve blinked, I’ve thought of you.” He whispered, nuzzling the area by her ear, kissing it lightly. She was warm and soft, smelling faintly of wildflowers and sweet vanilla.
She murmured in response, her violet eyes shining with all of the love she felt for him.
The silence of the night that he had forged his way through, faded as her voice lit the world up for him. She was perfection, made just for him, and he had missed her so much.
Without saying a word, he handed her the postcard he had written minutes before. All of the love he felt for her was expressed on that single card. She had been gone only a few days, but in that short time he had felt his world falling to pieces. He knew things would have to change, and that she would always be remembered even if she wasn’t around. Now that she was back, even if for a brief time, his world felt right and whole again.
She cupped his face, kissing him. It was warm, tender, filled with the love that she had missed in since her trip away from him. They lay back against the porch, enjoying each other’s company. Finally, the silence was comfortable again to Adam. They slowly drifted off, wrapped in each other’s arms.