

We argued a lot.

Way too much.

People say it's because we're in love. I mean, I would suppose so; we're engaged. But we argued more than average peoples. It was always about stupid stuff, like, why one of us was late or why one of us didn't pick up our phone.

Then we'd really get into it, throwing shit at walls and stuff. The worst part was we didn't talk for, like, a week after each fight. We'd sit in silence, no TV, no radio, we couldn't even hear each others breathing.

The only that we heard was silence.

And it screamed at us. Screaming loud and shriek-like. It was horrible.

What's worse than screaming silence is silence that whispers. Especially if the silence whispers this:

You don't love him anymore...

I was determined to prove Silence wrong...
♠ ♠ ♠
I really shouldn't be staring a new story considering I won't be able to update frequently, but I got this idea when I got in a huge argument with my boyfriend and we didn't talk for, like, two weeks, and it scared the living shit out of me.

My bro says that's love...

He's talking to me now, though. <3

Comments would be lovely, but I shall not pressure you into anything.
