Status: Active ... Finishing soon.

My Best Friend's a Werewolf?


Who knew that he could be so tall, that his arms could be so strong. It was unexpected and it was unbelievable. The last time I had seen him he was pining after Bella, what happened to that? Did she really let him down in the end? Choosing Edward over him.

He used to go to Forks just to see Bella. They became friends, best friends actually but ever since he started hanging out with Sam and all of those other super hot Quileute boys, they don't hang out anymore.

He turned around then, and I was staring into the beautiful eyes of Jacob Black. It wasn't that I hadn't talked to him before, it was that he hadn't come back to school in a long time. I used to see him around on La Push, but not lately. It just seemed like a big surprize to see him back at school.

The truth is, I used to talk to Jacob all the time. We weren't best friends, but we did have a few classes together, and I did used to hang out with Quill and Embry along with him as well. Quill is my best friend, but we haven't been that close at all recently. Maybe that will change though. I don't want to push him much, he's sweet but I know how he can be.

"Sky?" Jacob said connecting his eyes with mine. I smiled up at him, he was really tall now.

"Its me." I said looking around the gym to see if I could find Quill around. It was a surprize to see Jacob back yes, but Quill was the person that I wanted to see.

"I like what you did with your hair." He said picking up a glass from the table filled with punch. It looked tiny in his hands, but everything looked tiny compared to him. I didn't really get what he was saying until I looked down and realized that I had just recently dyed it blonde. I was a natural blonde, but I went brunette after recieveing a lot of blonde jokes that really made me mad.

"Thanks Jacob." I said politely. "I was actually just looking for Quill. Have you seen him?" He looked shocked, like he wasn't expecting that even the least bit.

"He didn't tell you?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't tell me what?" I asked confused.

"Quill isn't going to be coming back for a little while, he's gone." He paused for a second before continuing. "Camping. Yes, thats it. He's gone camping. He should be back in a couple of weeks." I just looked at him with an odd expression, I didn't know why he was so hesitant about it.

"Oh okay, is he camping where he usually camps?" I asked excitedly, if he was I was going to go see him. I missed him.

" went somewhere different this time. Didn't say where though, just that it wasn't the same place. me to tell you he says hi." These short sentences took him forever to say, and it was making me nervous.

"Are you sure thats all?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yep, that's everything. Hey listen. Want to dance, we are at a dance, might as well have fun. Right?" I nodded.

"Um...yeah. Why not?" I asked and he smiled leading me to the dance floor.
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So I wanted to try something new, and write a fan fiction. I might get some things wrong, and I'm sorry if I do. Feedback = love. =]