Status: OK I am going to fix every thing

Listen to Your Heart


Everyone told me to follow my heart.

Though, every one thought my heart lead me somewhere other than the here, in this dark stormy place where I would do what they would put as the stupidest thing I've ever done.

I was going to be with the man I love.

I fastened my pace and the rain became heavier.

My white dress was gathering dirt at the bottom, from the mud I had been running through.

The branches where catching on it, as well leaving small tears. My vale was flapping behind me also getting caught on the branches.

The rain was making my blond hair stick to my naturally pail face.

If any one would to see me now, they would think I was either an angel or their worst nightmare, but I don't see that happening, I was running to fast for any human to see me.

I, final, arrived, at the old abandoned castle, that my love and I would put back to its old purpose.

I walked to the ball room where my love and a neutral minister that conducted both types of weddings but none like this one, a mixed wedding.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" the Minister asked, "you being princess of vampires and you being prince of werewolf," he added mentioning to my royal status.

My father is the king of vampire, making me the princess and as I was the only child, I was the air to the thrown.

Though my cousin could step up, if for any reason I was not fit to be queen.

It had never crossed my mind, that the marriage could put me out of my place in the world, but what ever happened I knew we were in it together.

"It the right thing to do," Luke smiled grabbing my hands, "I love you Belinda"

"I've been told my whole life to follow my heart," I smiled at Luke, "as I love you Luke"

That hasn't been the only thing that contributed to bring me here tonight for this secret marriage that would outrage the world.

I believe it was a chain of reactions started by fate.
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OK I have just put in double spacing.

If you see any other mistakes can you comment me telling me instead of reporting me strait away.