Win a date with Mitchel Musso

Chapter 2 Rock On

The flight attendant’s mouth was moving and she was smiling, but I couldn’t hear a word what she was saying. “Oh!” I took off my headphones. “What would you like to drink?” She asked politely. “Um, I’ll take a diet coke, thanks.” She poured the drink and set it down on my tray table.

I took a sip, then put back on my headphones and layed back in my seat. If you could see... the other side of me... I’m just like anybody else can’t ya tell... I mouthed the words to the song as I gulped down sips of diet coke. I hope Mitchel is excited to meet me, I thought.


“So this is another one of those Win a Date things?” Mitchel used air quotes. The man grinned. Mitchel rolled his eyes. “Do I have to get a girlfriend for them to stop putting me in these things?” The man shrugged, and nodded. Usually the girls who won were dorky girls about 4 years younger that didn’t know what ZitZapper was and talked endlessly about Hannah Montana. Men and women started filing into gate B2. The flight had landed.

I stumbled out of the hallway and into the bright airport, filled with hurried people. I didn’t know where to go, who was picking me up and taking me to Mitchel, and what the heck I was doing in Los Angeles! I just wanted to get a decent snack and company. “Miss Soninshyne?” I glanced up.

A tall, muscular man greeted me. “You’re here for Win A Date, aren’t you?” I nodded, then noticed a boy standing beside him. My mouth dropped open and I felt lightheaded. I tried to say “You’re Mitchel Musso!” But no words came out, just my mouth moving.

He nodded, and gestured me to follow them. We walked outside to a black car. The man sat in the front seat, and Mitchel and I sat in the passenger’s seats in silence.

“So, what’s your name?” Mitchel turned to me. I smiled giddily at him and said, “Daisie. Daisie Soninshyne.” Mitchel grinned. “Soninshyne? That’s your last name?” I nodded shyly. “As in like sun and shine?” He raised his eyebrows. I shrugged. “I guess so...”

I turned towards him. “So what’s your name?” I joked. I started becoming a little more comfortable, but I just wanted to make him like me. Mitchel laughed as we pulled up into the hotel. The tall man grabbed my bag, and we entered the hotel. It looked fancy and expensive. Gold and scarlet carpets lined the floor, and exquisite paintings covered the walls. I stared in awe as we were checked in.

Mitchel rode the elevator with me, making small conversation, and then up to my room. I put the card in the slot. The light blinked green, and Mitchel opened the door for me. What a gentleman. I beamed. “Well, you seem nice, so I can’t wait for dinner.” “Me either.” I added. “I’ll pick you up tonight... Daisie...”

“Yeah... see you, Mitchel!” I grinned as he closed the door. Then I looked around. My room was humongous! There was a room with a queen-sized bed, a nightstand, a TV, then in the smaller room there was a table with a laptop on it, a refrigerator, and there was a closet and bathroom. I giggled. Here I was, a 14-year-old, in an expensive hotel room by myself...

First, I set to decide what I would wear tonight. I had a green tank top with pink flowers around the neckline, a thin teal sweater with a hood, a black tee-shirt that said ‘Rock On’ in bold white letters, and a frilly pink dress incase there was something formal. Then I had a couple pairs of jeans and skirts.

Mitchel had said we were going to an Italian restaurant. It shouldn’t be too formal or anything. I chose the black ‘Rock On’ tee shirt with a jean skirt and black leggings. Then I brushed out my hair a little and applied some eyeliner and mascara. As I was dabbing some lipgloss on, there was a knock on the door.

I answered it, and Mitchel was standing there in a nice tee shirt and pants. “Hey, are you ready to go?” He asked. I took my hand as I trembled with happiness, and quoted my tee shirt with a smile. “Rock on.”