Win a date with Mitchel Musso

Chapter 4 Until Now

Mitchel’s phone on the nightstand vibrated violently, making him jump out of bed and grab it. He glanced at the caller ID and smiled. Mitchel flipped open his phone. “Hey Kaelyn!” He greeted warmly. “Hey Mitch! My flight landed like 20 minutes ago! I got my luggage and I can’t wait to see you!” Mitchel grinned. “Yeah, I can’t believe I really haven’t seen you since we dated when I lived in Texas!” Kaelyn sighed on the other end. “Yeah, maybe we can get back to that... I didn’t think Hannah Montana could stop us from being together! I didn't even think I'd see you again... until now.”

Mitchel was hushed for a moment. He remember Kaelyn quite well... her straight, long blonde hair with small pieces hanging over her happy green eyes and a smile always on her face... He was so depressed when he’s had to break up with her. He didn’t want to; only because they would never see each other once he flew out to Hollywood to tape Hannah Montana. And now they would finally get to see each other.

I ran my brush through my hair one more time just to make it extra silky and then called Mitchel. “Hi Mitch!” I said nervously yet happily. “Oh hey Daisie, what’s up?” He asked me. “I’m good, just chillin. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today.” Mitchel was silent for a moment then said, “Sorry, I already have plans today.” My face fell, but luckily he couldn’t see it. “Oh, it’s fine.” I said with fake enthusiasm.

“Well, there’s a shopping area down the street from your hotel with a movie theater and restaurants and a bowling alley.” “Oh, cool.” I commented. Bowling didn’t sound that bad actually. Although, you kind of need a group to go bowling. Maybe a movie would be better. I’d really wanted to see Palpable. I heard it was supposed to be really funny, and I’m always up for a good comedy. “Thanks,” I told him sincerely as I could. “Sure. Bye, Daisie.” We hung up, and I got my coat and went down the elevator and outside.

It was just barely sprinkling rain. As soon as I stepped outside I could see the shopping area right there. The little droplets caught in my hair and it curled into small ringlets from the weather. I zipped up my coat and trudged across the street, splashing in tiny puddles. Once I got inside the movie theater, I unzipped my coat and bought a ticket. My movie was for 11:15, and it was already 11:20, so I dashed into theater 7. It was a crowded theater, and the opening credits were just rolling on. The buttery smell of popcorn drifted across the large, crowded room. “Looks like I have to sit in the front.” I thought, annoyed, to myself. I was in the 3rd row, looking straight up to see the screen. I put a handful of chocolate covered raisins in my mouth

“Remember when we double-dated with Austin and Olivia?” A strong female voice asked, giggling from the row in front of me. I sighed and crossed my arms. There is nothing that bugs me more than teenagers talking loudly in a movie theater. A paper boy tossed a newspaper into a clean driveway on the screen. “Oh my gosh that was so crazy!” The girl exclaimed in front of me. I was getting really irritated.

I fed myself some more chocolate raisins, then tapped her shoulder. “Can you please stop talking? I’d like to watch the movie!” Her and the boy sitting next to her turned around. Immedietly I recognized the boy next to her. The shaggy brown hair, the beautiful eyes... It was Mitchel Musso! The blonde girl looked back and forth from Mitchel to me. My mouth dropped open to reveal a mushy, chocolate raisin slosh. The blonde girl looked utterly disgusted and covered her eyes. Mitchel looked a little confused and disappointed as I threw down my raisin box and ran out of the movie theater into the main area where the concessions stand and the bathroom was.

I felt like I’d been slapped in the face. I thought I was Mitchel’s date for the week. I thought Michel was single... And when he had plans, I didn’t know that meant going to a movie with another girl. How could Mitchel do this to me? I thought he was such a trustworthy guy... until now.