Win a date with Mitchel Musso

Chapter 5 What we have to be jealous of

My eyes started to water. I blinked, and a couple tears dripped down my cheeks, making my makeup run along with them. “Daisie?” It was Mitchel. I didn’t turn around, yet sat there in silence on that bench as the happy people around us walked past, not noticing the celebrity behind me.

“Daisie, this is not what you think.” At that I whirled around to face a sorrowful Mitchel. “Look, Kaelyn and I are just friends seeing a movie together! Is it so wrong for me to have a friend that’s not a guy?”

I thought about that, quickly trying to come up with a comeback. “Well, how come she was talking about when you guys double dated with another couple?”

Mitchel sighed. “See, before I was in Hannah Montana, I lived in Texas. When I went to a public school and everything, we dated, but then we broke up when I moved here to California. And I haven’t even seen her since.” His eyes had a distressed look in the depths of his black pupils. Maybe they weren’t on a date... but what if it turned into one.

“Mitch, are you okay?” The blonde girl he referred to as Kaelyn spotted him and came rushing over. She saw he was alright and then smiled and held his hand. I gazed crudely at the conjoined hands.

“See, Kaelyn will tell you we’re not on a date, Daisie.” Kaelyn glanced down at the ground, something in her spirit lost. “We’re not on a date.” Her eyes looked me over.

“Kaelyn, this is Daisie.” We both nodded at each other, somewhat shy, somewhat intimidated. “She’s a contest winner and so she was wondering about us going to the movies.” Kaelyn grinned.

“Oh yeah, it’s fine, we’re good friends. Close, really close friends.” I winced slightly at her enthusiasm on saying ‘close’. Kaelyn patted Mitchel’s shoulder. “Mitch is a single man!” She laughed good-naturedly.

“My contest was to go on a date with him.” I had felt the need to say that, but when it came out, I felt like slapping myself on the forehead. I sounded like a complete dork! Kaelyn gave a smile with her lips pursed together. I didn’t like her. She was obsessed with Mitchel... bragging in a silent language that he was all hers and I couldn’t touch him.

“Well, it’s not like you’re dating in real life. I mean, where are you from?” She giggled. “Kansas.” I muttered. Mitchel shot her a warning look, but she wasn’t paying attention. “It’s not like he could date some random chic from Kansas!”

‘It’s a joke’ I told myself in my head, trying to ignore Kaelyn’s rude chuckles. ‘She doesn’t mean it, she’s just kidding’.

“It’s great, it’s fine... you’re not his real life date. Just, you know, a magazine contest winner from Kansas.” Ouch. That stung. I looked up at Kaelyn with hurt, teary eyes, then turned to Mitchel.

“Okay, I can see I’m not wanted here.” I said as calmly as I could, but there was a note of disappointment in my voice. I turned to walk out the doors into the fresh air of the outdoors.

“Daisie, please don’t!” Mitchel rushed over to me. “Please don’t leave because of Kaelyn.” He said in a low voice. “She hates me!” I exclaimed. “She just wishes I would leave so that she could ask you out or something!”

Mitchel shook his head. “I don’t know what is going on with her. I haven’t seen her in more than a year.” I pulled away from his hands on my arms. “Look, I don’t want to interfere with this flirting session,” I pushed the door open.

“Daisie! She’s jealous of us!” He was trailing me, hoping I wouldn’t leave. I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right. What do we have to be jealous of? Tell me this: Do you even like me?” I set my hands on my hips, still holding the door half open.

At that, he grabbed my face, and pulled it towards mine and gave me a light kiss on the lips. I sighed in surprise and delight, and fell back slightly, hit my head on the side of the door, and everything went black.