Win a date with Mitchel Musso

Chapter 6 Escaping Nightmares

I blinked a couple of times and sat up, rubbing my head where it felt sore, and pulled the sheets off my chest. “Hey there,” I turned to the left. Kaelyn was wearing Victoria’s Secret Pink sweats and had her hair in a high ponytail and was sitting in a beanbag chair on the floor, listening to her iPod. She turned it off and set it down. “Feeling alright?” She offered me a cup of water.

What did she do, put poison in it? Kaelyn must have read my thoughts, and she laughed. “It’s fine, it’s just ice water. Nothing bad.” I smiled a little just to be friendly and I took the water. I sniffed it just to make sure, then took a small sip. My throat softened up with the fresh taste of water, and I gulped down some more.

“Look, I’m really sorry about before.” I shook my head. “It’s fine.” I said sincerely. “No, it wasn’t fine. I acted like a jerk when I could see that Mitchel totally likes you.” I gazed up into her vast green eyes. She loved Mitchel, she really did. Just by seeing the sad look in those eyes when Mitchel kissed me almost killed her.

I bit my lip. “I feel awful. I mean, you guys were going out and I totally just barged right in—"

Kaelyn put her hand on my shoulder. “No, that’s not how it was. We were going to break up anyways because there was a guy that I liked and had been hanging out with. We were just friends. But that guy ended up being an idiot and,” she sighed. “And I should’ve stuck with Mitchel. But you guys have been hanging out for, what, 2 days, and you guys look like you’ve known each other a lifetime. You’ve got chemistry.”

I grinned. “You really think so?” Kaelyn nodded, and we exchanged happy smiles just relating to one another.

“We’re breakin’ free, we’re soaring... flying... There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach—" I jumped at the familiar sound of my cell phone ring, and glanced at the caller ID. Mitchel. I nearly fell off the bed grabbing my phone and flipped it open.

“Hey,” I smiled. “Hey Daisie. How are ya feeling?” Kaelyn grinned at my anxiousness, and I gave her a look jokingly. “I’m fine, I’m good, I’m alright.” I heard Mitchel chuckle on the other end. “That’s cool. You want to go bowling tonight? It’s free for 18 and under on Saturday nights.”

My eyes widened, excited. “Of course, yeah!”

“Okay, well, I’ll swing by around 7:30 at your hotel room.”

“Yeah, can’t wait! Bye, Mitchel.” We hung up and I beamed.

Kaelyn’s mom offered to drive me back to the hotel room to get ready for the date. Once I got up to my hotel room, I picked out the green tank with the pink flowers around the neckline, and a pink miniskirt. It was a little short, but I thought, ‘What the heck, I’m in Hollywood!’ I went to the bathroom and brushed out my thick, long waves, put on a light coat of makeup, and then twirled in front of the mirror.

‘Wow,’ I though to myself, ‘I look more like a 16 year old than a 14 year old!’ Only minutes later I answered the door to Mitchel.

He stared at my exposed legs. I was slightly embarrassed by it, so I took his hand and led the way to the elevator. We walked like that, hand in hand, across the street to the alley. The parking lot was crowded with cars, and as we swung open the double doors, the colorful disco lights flashed in the dark alley. The large bowling alley was crawling with teenagers, like one humongous party that anybody was invited to.

All of the lanes were full, so Mitchel and I headed over to the snack table. I was shy because of all of the unfamiliar people, but I scooped myself a glass of coral-colored punch. I was famished, and took several long gulps before spitting out a large mouthful over a girl in a sparkly green dress to the right of me. She gasped and held out her arms, looking at her ruined dress.

It was a disgusting drink and smelled of alcohol. ‘Oh shit,’ I thought to myself. ‘I cannot be getting myself wasted! Beer is sick!’ I backed out of the crowd of gaping, giggling people until I hit a wall. I lost sight of Mitchel, and a guy who looked to be 18 clutched my shoulders and smirked. “Hey babe, let’s get a room."

I kicked him in the ankle, but he started kissing me fiercely, his tongue in my mouth... I screamed as loud as I could and hit him and kicked him but he wouldn’t lay off. I tried to slap people around me, begging for attention, someone to help me, but they all staggered around drunk.

‘What the hell is happening?’ I thought to myself in desperate attempts to get the man to let go, and I couldn’t find Mitchel. I remembered quite well last week when I was being sucked into this dream that I thought would be paradise, but I guess Hollywood isn’t all fun and games. And now that I’m in this nightmare, I just want to escape!