American Girl: Can't I Just Be Chloe?

A Way to Get Him Back

I did not immediately go to see Betsy about getting Zoe’s e-mail address so that I could contact her about helping me with the problem she started. Something kept me from doing so. Finally, on November 3rd, I went to go see Betsy about contacting Zoe. When I did get over there, Teddy and Betsy were rushing out of the house with Kevin and the triplets following just behind. Teddy saw me coming. “Betsy went into labor,” he explained.

“Of course she did,” I muttered. Just when I intend on asking Betsy about a way to contact Zoe, she has to go into labor. I sighed and called out to Betsy. “Hey, Betsy, is your cousin’s number in your phone?” I asked her. “I need to call her about something important.”

Video Girl?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Get my phone from Kevin. And, while you’re at it, call Joe and the others. I want them at the hospital. Though they may not be related to me in any way, I want them to be there when I give birth. They’ve been like a family to me, even after Amanda died,” Betsy said.

“Okay,” I agreed, getting the phone from Kevin. I decided to call Joe first since he would be able to spread the word that Betsy was in labor and wanted the entire Jonas family there. After doing that, I would contact Zoe about helping me deal with Frankie and the Video Girl he was dating. I was going to get that done so that I could ensure that I broke Virankie apart and keep Victoria from breaking my best friend’s heart like I knew she would. I dialed Joe’s number on Betsy’s phone and placed it at my ear, listening to it ring.

Joe picked up quickly. “Lizard?”

I laughed. “Actually, it’s Chloe. I’m just using her phone because she went into labor. She asked you to spread the word to everyone else and get over to the hospital. Despite the fact that she’s not related to you guys in anyway, she wants you guys there since you guys have been like family to her from the time that she and Amanda moved out here from Pennsylvania. Even after Amanda died, you guys treated her like a part of the family.”

“She wants us all there?” he asked.

“Yeah. Even Kyra,” I said, knowing where Joe was going to go with this. “And, make sure to tell your parents, Nick, and Frankie. They need to know. Oh, and no Icky Vicky.”

“You got it, Chloe,” he said.

I hung up once I knew that Joe was going to do as I asked and, as I went to the hospital along with Teddy, Betsy, Kevin, and the triplets, dialed Zoe’s number. Zoe, of course, was not the one to pick up. It was her brother that answered my call instead. “Hello?” he asked.

“Yeah, can I speak with your sister? Tell her it’s Chloe and that she needs to help me with a problem that she caused while she was out here. Zoe was the one that caused this and I need her help in order to fix the problem that I’ve been faced with as of late. Oh, and just so the two of you know, your cousin went into labor like five minutes ago,” I said.

“Okay,” he said.

I heard the phone exchange hands before Zoe came on the line to talk about what was going on as of late. “So, you talked to my older brother, huh? Well, I suppose you were going to talk to him one of these days. It might as well be right now. He’s kind of in that teenage stage and doesn’t exactly seem enthused about anything. Now, what’s this about Betsy? You mentioned that she went into labor. I didn’t even know that she was pregnant,” Zoe laughed. “Shows how much I paid attention during the four days that I got to spend with my favorite cousin. I was probably far too busy hanging out with Joe to realize that my favorite cousin was pregnant. Wow, I guess I lose track of him when I’m around him, despite the fact that I know he’s married to Kyra and has kids with her: a son and a daughter on the way. Now, that’s just pathetic. Do you happen to know the sex of the baby?”

“No one does,” I said.

“Oh. So, Kyle said that you wanted to talk to me about some problem that you have at the moment. What is it about? Is it your dear beloved Frankie?” she asked curiously.

“Well, duh!” I replied.

“What about?” she asked.

“Zoe! I’m losing my best friend because of that Video Girl. There must be a way that I can convince my best friend that Icky Vicky is no good for him. He’s just going to be another victim of the Video Girl Syndrome,” I said quoting the song that reminded me so much of the fact that I was Just Friends with Frankie while some blonde bimbo had the boy of my dreams.

“You may have to use jealousy,” she said.

“Jealousy?” I asked, not knowing what that was going to do to help me with my problem. I was the jealous one, not Frankie. “Zoe, what in the world is jealousy going to do to help me convince Frankie that Victoria is a no-good rotten Video Girl that’s only trying to use him?”

“Make Frankie jealous,” Zoe said.

“How?” I asked.

“My brother,” she said.

“Your brother?” I asked.

“Sure,” Zoe said. “If I can convince my parents to let me and Kyle come out there to see Betsy, we can use that to our advantage and try to make Frankie jealous, making him realize what he’s putting you through. And, if you can get the boys to play Video Girl, that would be perfect because Frankie would realize that Victoria is exactly that and break up with her. Now, all I have to do is ask Kyle if he would help us with this; I’m not sure if he will.”

“Alright.” I sighed. “Maybe then, Frankie and I will stop being Just Friends and I can date him like I want to. I don’t know if that’s going to happen though.” There was really no way to be sure if this plan was going to work. I would just have to see over the next couple weeks to find out whether or not this was going to work. So, I’ll see you then,” I said with a heavy sigh. “I really do hope that this plan of yours is going to work. I want Frankie back; I want my best friend back.” With that, I hung up and handed the phone back to Kevin. This has got to work, I thought. Otherwise, I could lose my best friend because of everything that’s been going on. Victoria is keeping him away from me; it’s as if she knows that I’ve been in love with him for the past two years. I can’t lose him; I won’t.
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