American Girl: Can't I Just Be Chloe?

Talk it Out

When I arrived back at home, I immediately went over to the computer and logged on. I got on and, almost immediately when the computer, Zoe IM’ed me. Not a real big surprise; I was actually expecting it. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I was kind of hoping that she’d be on. With everyone else I knew off at the hospital congratulating Tedsy on their son, Zoe was really the only one I could talk to about what just happened with Frankie.

SuperZoe04: I just talked to my cousin and she told what happened with Frankie. You were hiding in a cupboard while Betsy and Frankie were talking. And, he mentioned that he no longer wished to be your friend. That doesn’t sound like something Frankie would do.

SenateDaughter09: No kidding, Zoe. And, I can tell you right now that this is all Victoria’s fault. She’s trying to keep me away from Frankie; I think that ever since I yelled at her on the 17th about not being allowed to be in that video for A Mandolin’s Heart, Victoria has had it out for me. All she really wants to do is make my life miserable so that she can have Frankie all to herself. It’s as if she knows my secret and is jealous of me spending time with my best friend. I hate that she’s trying to do this, trying to ruin my life.

SuperZoe04: I can understand why. You two have been best friends for years. You fell in love with your best friend and ultimately lost your chance to date him. And, just wondering, but is there any girl in the world that you’d ever let Frankie date…other than you, I mean?

SenateDaughter09: Yes.

SuperZoe04: Who?

SenateDaughter09: It doesn’t really matter. Whoever is it, it would never happen. I know it won’t. Frankie only ever met this person once anyway. He won’t date her after meeting only once.

SuperZoe04: And, you’re not going to tell me who this person is. That is completely unfair, Chloe. I’d like to know who this person is and see if I can get Victoria off your back.

SenateDaughter09: Life’s unfair. Hell, I should know. I mean, you’ve heard what my life has been like: my mother is off on the other side of the country working while my father is at the hospital.

SuperZoe04: Well, one of these days your life will turn out okay. I’m really not sure when, but I’m sure it will happen. No one’s life can be all terrible. Look at Kyra’s life: for years, she was forced to live with her father and a cruel, heartless step-mother. If it wasn’t for my cousin and the Jonas Brothers, Joe probably wouldn’t have the woman he loves. He’d probably still be single. He, like my cousin, is a huge flirt. I mean, I remember when I was little and my grandmother would ask Betsy and Amanda if they wanted to go out to the beach and check out hot guys. Amanda would always decline, but Betsy wanted to. That is Joe to a tee. And, the fact is everyone knows it. Joe is a huge flirt and would shift from one girl to the next. I’m actually surprised that he did get married at all.

SenateDaughter09: Well, he was bound to settle down sometime. Better sooner rather than later. Now, hopefully, Kyra will help Joe grow up and act his age like everyone knows he should.

SuperZoe04: Like he will though.

SenateDaughter09: True.

SuperZoe04: So, just think about that. Kyra went from living with a cruel step-mother to being married to the melt-worthy Joe Jonas. Now, basically, half the Jonas fans in the world—me included—are heartbroken over the fact that Joe is no longer single, but married to Kyra.

SenateDaughter09: And, you think that I can get Frankie back in my life based solely on that? Are you sure? To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure whether that’s going to work out very well.

SuperZoe04: It might though. Just try.

SenateDaughter09: Okay. Now, can you find out if you and your brother can get out here? My guess is that the only possible way for Frankie to realize the truth is for you and your brother to fly out here and help me. I refuse to speak to Frankie after what he just put me though meaning that, if you guys really want me to make contact with the boy who claimed that I am his former best friend, then you must be around to do it. He’s getting the silent treatment from me, even after he breaks up with his Video Girl girlfriend because he refused to believe me about anything that was going on over the past three weeks.

SuperZoe04: I’ll see what I can do.

SenateDaughter09: Good. Now, I want you guys to let Betsy know of their decision. She’ll tell me when I see her on the 5th. I’m going over to see Kevin and the triplets that day.

SuperZoe04: Okay. Bye.

With that, Zoe got off. I stayed on, just surfing the Internet for awhile. I, of course, just couldn’t focus on what I was doing because of what was going on. My thoughts were on Frankie and what he said. People change and promises are broken. Those words were probably going to haunt me for the rest of my life as I was always going to be in love with the Bonus Jonas. No matter what went on between me and Frankie. I would always love Frankie, even if he didn’t. Then again, since he would never know how I felt and didn’t want to be around me, I really didn’t know what was going on with Frankie right now.

Eventually, it became too hard for me to sit at the computer. So, I got off and went to my room. I was teary-eyed and bleary-eyed when I reached my room so I laid down on my bed and basically cried myself to sleep, thinking of Frankie and what he had done.
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