American Girl: Can't I Just Be Chloe?

Election Results

Even after Betsy finished with the Video Girl aid, I stayed around, not wanting to go home when my mother was going to be pacing around the house trying to figure out when she would receive word that she would retain her position as the Junior Senator of California. Hell, I was just glad that my mother did not intend on running for President as this was also a Presidential Election Year. If she did that, I was sure to be in major trouble, for I would probably have to move out to Washington, D.C. along with both my parents and live in the White House. Lucky though, that did not have to happen as Mom did not yet wish to do that.

I sighed heavily as I sat around watching the election coverage. A lot of it was stuff that I had already figured was going to happen, but what surprised me was the fact that they had not yet announced whether my mother would retain her position as the Junior Senator of California. It was as if they were avoiding it. With nothing much else to do, I turned to the others. “Did you guys vote for my mother?” I asked them with a heavy sigh.

Teddy and Kevin nodded. Betsy was the one to actually speak. “We all did. Despite the fact that we know that you haven’t seen your mother very much in the past six years, you know as well as the rest of us that she has done good for California and deserves to be voted back into office. So, if your mother does get voted in, we’re sorry about it.”

I sighed. “It’s okay,” I said. “I know what’s going on. I’m ultimately just going to have to live with it. No matter how I may hate, no matter how much I may want my mother to go back to being a regular person so that I can have a normal life. I don’t that is going to happen though. My mother is just too intent on trying to make her political career a success.”

They nodded. “Okay.”

At that moment, the election coverage became very interesting and I turned it up. “…in other news, the Californian Senatorial race is really becoming quite a battle. Incumbent, Rosetta Fletcher, is leading by a slight margin over challenger Craig Roberts. It is, right now, too early to tell if Senator Fletcher is to retain her seat in the Senate or conceded to Congressman Roberts. We’ll keep you posted on the newest development when it becomes available.”

I sat there jaw dropped at what I just heard. How had the race become that close when my mother had done so much over the past six years to help California? Apparently, when I got home tonight, I was going to have to ask my mother about all of this in order to figure out. “Wow. I never expected that.” I sighed. “I think I should probably go home and find out what’s going on from my mother. Maybe she’ll know what’s going on and what caused her to be leading by such a slim margin over Craig Roberts.”

Upon saying goodbye to my friends, I headed home wondering how that could have happened. Did Victoria actually know who my mother was and ask everyone she knew to vote for Craig Roberts. Doing that would effectively cause me to spend more time with my mother than Frankie and keep me away from the boy I fell in love with. If Victoria had anything to do with this, I’m going to kill her, I grumbled as I walked in the house.
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