American Girl: Can't I Just Be Chloe?

Possible Repercussions

The moment I walked into my house, I heard my mother yelling at the TV. Considering what I just heard at the Jonas/Geiger home, it was understandable. Mom was upset because she expected to be easily voted back into office. I know I kind of want my normal life back, but a part of me also want to see my mother happy. Makes no sense to me, but that’s just the way it is. Ultimately, I care about my family more than it may seem. Not wanting have to listen to my mother complaining about all of this though, I went up to my room and put my iPod on. The sound of the voices I knew so well drowned out my mother’s yelling. My iPod was set to shuffle between songs by Betsy, Teddy, the Jonas Brothers, Drop/Slap, Selena, and Kyra. It’s obvious as to why. When Frankie’s voice filled my ears, all I could think of was Victoria and the fact that she was trying to tear Frankie and me apart.

Victoria was nothing more than a nuisance to my life and I wanted nothing more than to destroy her for what she was trying to do to my life. Over the years, I had built up a somewhat great life for myself. Of course, with one foul swoop, Victoria had swept in and was trying to cut me off from everyone I loved. Frankie’s Video Girl girlfriend was doing everything in her power that she could to ruin my life and I hated it. And, if Victoria truly was responsible for nearly kicking my mother out of office, that was going too far; she was now meddling in my mother’s life to make my life miserable. She wasn’t allowed to do that. Because of that, I was extremely pleased to know that Kyle and Zoe were coming in two weeks to help me get rid of Victoria. They had a plan and I hoped it would work.

All of sudden, as one of Kyra’s songs, Cinderella—yeah, she did do a song based on the nickname her step-mother had for her—came on, I heard my mother storm upstairs. “I have to wait until morning to find out if I’m going to retain my seat in the Senate!” she grumbled. “Haven’t I done enough for the people of California? This should have been an easy win.” With that, she went into the other room, slamming the door as she passed.

This is not good, I thought. If Mom loses her Senate seat to this Craig Roberts, she is not going to be in a very good mood. I may want my mother to be back in my life, but not like this. Mom will be pissed if she doesn’t get her Senate seat back. And, I am not going to be able to live my mother acting that way. I may only be fifteen, but I know perfectly well that my mother does not take losing very well. So, I was going to have to get out of the house as fast as I possibly could if I was leave at all. Otherwise, I would have to hear my mother bitch and complain about losing her Senate seat. That would be terrible.
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