American Girl: Can't I Just Be Chloe?


For once in my life, I went to school without my mother holding a political office. It felt extremely weird. Ever since I was young, my mother has held a political office. From the time I was two, my mother was the mayor of some small town. When I was six, she went into Congress as one of the House Representatives of California. At age nine, Mom became Senator. Now though, I was to become a normal girl because Victoria Roberts was now the Junior Californian Senator’s daughter. So, I walked into the building with a completely different walk in my step than I had just yesterday. Yesterday I was the Senator’s daughter. Today, that was not the case; today, I was nothing more than a normal girl.

Most people I came in contact with throughout the day were nice about it, but there was this one girl who just wouldn’t let my mother’s loss go. The girl in question was one I had rarely ever seen around school. She had her hair pinned up, was wearing sunglasses, and a hat. Weird attire to be wearing inside, but I wasn’t that focused on her attire; I was more focused on what the witch was saying about my mother and the fact that come January, she’s out of a Senate seat. “So, Chloe, how’s it feel to be the daughter of a loser?” she asked with a smirk.

“What’s your problem?” I asked.

The girl laughed. “I don’t really have a problem anymore. My only problem was you and now that’s taken care of. Your mom is back home with you, and I don’t have to worry about you bothering me anymore than you already have. I’ve got everything I could ever want.”

Once I heard that, there was no doubt in my mind as to who was hiding behind those sunglasses. It was the reason for the odd attire. The moment I realized who it was, I lunged at her and pulled the hat and sunglasses off. Just as I expected, it was Victoria. “How dare you?” I yelled. “How you come near me and the ones I care about merely so you could get your father more votes? I hope you realize though, that it didn’t work. Everyone in the Jonas family—that can vote—voted for my mother. I don’t think that seems like very good loyalty if your boyfriend’s family voted for my mother instead of your father.”

Victoria pushed me back. “You’re saying what?”

“What do you think I’m saying, Vicky? I’ve been friends with the Jonas family since before my mother became Senator. You’ve known them for what, three weeks, despite being my best friend’s girlfriend. Plus, you even tried to get rid of me to get your father more votes. Too bad it didn’t exactly work out as you planned!” I yelled at her angrily.

She shrugged. “A minor setback.”

“Minor?” I asked. “Are you insane?”

“No, but I think you are,” she said. “Now, I suggest that you stay away from the Jonas family. Not only Frankie, but all of them. Maybe you should go spend time with your mother.”

How do you even know who my mother is?” I asked Frankie’s Video Girl girlfriend, angrily. “Not once did I ever tell you what my last name was. Betsy, Teddy, and everyone in the Jonas family know better than to say my last name. I don’t being reminded of the fact that my mother was rarely around during my life. I was raised by my father and they know perfectly well how much I hate to hear the name Fletcher. No one could have possibly told you who I was when I am rarely ever around my mother these days.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Victoria smirked. “All that matters is that you must stay away from the Jonas family. And, that includes the Geiger family. They’re close to the Jonas family and I will not have you anywhere near them. I have them now and you must live with that.”

Once again, I lunged at her, this time with my hands around the blonde bimbo’s neck. I wanted to throttle her, but I never got the chance to do so as a teacher pulled me off Icky Vicky. “Ms. Fletcher, what do you think you’re doing? You never fight!” the teacher exclaimed.

“This is different!” I retorted.

“In what way?” the teacher asked.

“Victoria Roberts has caused me nothing but pain!” I yelled angrily. “She entered my life when she started dating my best friend and ultimately caused him to hate me. He no longer wants to be my friend…all because of her. She ruined my life and I want her to pay.”

The teacher glared at me, but I didn’t care. All I was doing was giving Victoria the evil eye. “Ms. Fletcher,” the teacher said, “that is no reason for you to be fighting Ms. Roberts. I’m afraid you’re going to have a detention then. Be on your way then.” The teacher walked away and I once again glared at Victoria; she was not going to get away with doing this to me. Despite the fact that I just got in trouble for fighting with Victoria, I was going to make certain that she never influenced my life ever again. I wouldn’t let that happen.
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