American Girl: Can't I Just Be Chloe?

Not a Good Mood

After my detention, I went back over to Joe’s, only to find Selena, Nick, and Rebecca there as well. “What took so long?” Kyra asked. “We expected you back here an hour ago.”

I groaned and slumped down in a chair. For a moment there, it almost seemed as if Kyra was acting like my mom…well, no my dad. Mom hasn’t acted like my mother ever. “Detention,” I said. Then, seeing the odd looks I was getting from them, I quickly explained the situation. “I got into a fight with Victoria earlier today when she started bashing my mother. I was nearly able to throttle her before a teacher pulled me off her and gave me a detention.”

“Why would you get in a fight with her?” Selena asked. “You know how much she hates and wants to torture you. So, why would you give her the satisfaction of getting under your skin?”

“Because of Frankie,” I said.

“Now, you see, this is exactly why you were supposed to tell Frankie how you felt two years ago,” Nick said, lecturing me about what I knew he would this morning. That was the reason I came to Joe’s this morning. I knew that he was going to do this. I was really hoping that I could avoid all of this. Obviously, I couldn’t though. Nick was bound to start doing this and I really did not want to have to deal with that. “Remember, if you had told him then, none of this would have ever happened. Victoria never would have entered our lives and you’d be dating Frankie while your mother was off in Washington, D.C.”

“I know,” I replied.

“Then, you shouldn’t have even bothered getting in a fight with Victoria when you knew that this was your own fault,” Nick reminded me. “So, what are you going to do now?”

I shrugged. “I have no clue.”

‘There’s really only one thing that must be done,” Kyra said. “Ultimately, Betsy is the only one who can fix this.” She looked at Joe, Nick, and Selena. “Remember, that thing that only Betsy can do?”

Since I really didn’t want to listen to them vaguely talk about Betsy’s ability, I did the only thing that I could: I told them what I knew. I, of course, left out the part about Frankie being the one to tell me about all of this since he never wanted anyone to know about that. He would tell them what he knew when the time was right. “Look, guys,” I said, “I know all about Betsy being able to speak to her sister’s ghost. I’ve known for awhile now. So, you guys can just talk about it out in the open. Don’t beat around the bush.”

“How do you know?” Nick asked.

“Long story,” I said.

“Okay,” he said. “Well, in that case, it seems that Manda is the only one who can get the information we need. As a ghost, she is the only one who can truly prove to Frankie that Victoria is a Video Girl. If you know of Manda’s ghost and Beth’s ability, then Frankie must know as well. That means that Frankie must know that Manda will be able to see everything that goes on and report back to Beth. So, the moment our little poster is displayed, Frankie will realize that Chloe was telling the truth about Vicky. He’ll know the truth and break up with the girl that the entire Jonas family, Betsy, and Teddy hate.”

“Yeah, but I know I won’t take him back that easily,” I said angrily. “Icky Vicky caused me far too much pain and I’m not going to deal with it. Frankie was the one to bring her into my life and it’s not going to be that easy for me to forgive him for that. I just don’t know how I can forgive for the Video Girl crap I’ve went through. Oh, have you guys heard from your mother regarding all of the other Video Girl situations? The never-ending phone calls and what-not? It’s imperative that we find out about that for Thanksgiving.”

“Panda will have confirmation,” Joe replied.

“I hope so,” I said, letting out a heavy sigh. “Now, I really think I better go see how my mother has taken the news of her ousting as the Junior Senator of California. It’s not going to be pretty, so I might be back later on tonight. To be perfectly, honest, I really can’t be sure.”

They all nodded so I left. As I slowly trudged home, all I could think of was what caused Craig Roberts to win over my mother. Sure, I was a normal girl now, which was exactly what I wanted, but it killed me inside to see Victoria’s father taking my mother’s seat in the Senate. Hell, I’d rather be the Senator’s teenage daughter than see Victoria get the honor of that title in my stead. I walked into my house a little while later and found my mother throwing some very fragile objects up against the wall. There was glass shattered everywhere. This was exactly why I didn’t want to be here; my mother does not exactly take losing well. It was the reason I didn’t want to have to tell her that it was Frankie’s girlfriend’s father who beat her. She’d probably go after Frankie if that happened.

After carefully maneuvering my way through the glass, I headed to the kitchen where I found my father sitting at the table. Obviously, he didn’t exactly go to work today, probably because Mom flipped when she found out what happened. I was obviously lucky to get out of here when I did. “Uh, Dad, what’s with Mom?” I asked him.

“She’s not in a good mood,” Dad said. “Chloe, until your mother calms down, I think it’s best if you stay at the Jonas’s place. “Whichever one is up to you, just let me know. I will let you know when your mother calms down enough for you to come back home.”

I nodded. “Okay, Dad.” I went up to my bedroom and wondered why my father let me stay with one of the boys. Was my mother really in such a bad mood that I couldn’t be here? I sighed and reached my mother. Okay, which one? Nick, Joe, or Kevin? No, not Nick. I really don’t want hear Nick lecturing me about having not told Frankie how much I love him and how much I hate his girlfriend. And, I don’t know about Kevin. There’s already seven people living there right now. Okay, then, Joe. He was probably the best choice since Kyra was pregnant. That way, I could watch over Quinn for him while he kept an eye on Kyra. Zoe had done the same while she was out here so I probably should too.

Once I had all my things packed, I quickly brought them downstairs. “I’ll be at Joe’s!” I called to my father, walking out of the house with my bags in hand. As I left, I knew that I was going to have to find out how Victoria’s father was able to beat my mother. It seemed almost…impossible. So, how did it happen? I would have to find out why then. Maybe ask one of the brothers to help me with that. I sure as hell wasn’t going to let Craig and Victoria Roberts ruin my life. Doing that would just give Victoria an open invitation to continue ruining my life by continuing to go out and date my best friend.
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