Love Drunk


“Lizzy Bear wake up!” He whispered, shaking her gently.

Her eyes opened, “What the hell do you want?”

“Get dressed, we’re going somewhere,” He ordered before shutting the door and letting her change.

“Bryan?” She whispered down the hallway.
“Ready?” He asked, standing by the steps. She nodded.

They snuck out the front door of her parent’s house and headed for his car. Lizz looked up at her house and saw her mother standing by the window. She knew they’d be alright, but when her brother would wake up in the morning, she’d be in trouble.

Her brother never really liked the fact that Bryan was in a band and he let everyone know. When Lizz would go hang out at Bryan’s friend’s house, her brother would call every twenty minutes checking in one them. One time Lizz handed the phone to Paul and Martin who proceeded to make loud sexual noises. That sent him off charging to their house.

“We’re here,” Bryan grinned, putting the car in park and cutting off the ignition.

They had pulled up to the amusement park that never really closed. The bright lights and neon colors cascaded around them. Bryan helped her out of the car and they walked inside. Apparently all of the other narcotics who were awake at four in the morning all had the same idea to come here as well.

“What do you want to go on first?” He asked standing really close to her, making her cheeks turn a light shade of red when he spoke.

“Something fast,” She said without thinking. He took her hand in his and led them over to the Red Rocket. More than any other time before this, Lizz regretted hating roller coasters.

“Woah, woah easy!” Bryan said putting his arm around her waist to keep her from falling down the steps.

“I hate roller coasters,” She admitted, clinging to his side for dear life.
“Why didn’t you tell me that Lizz?” He asked feeling guilty for making her go on that. He took his hand and rubbed small circles on her back in an attempt to soothe her. She felt tears building up behind her eyes and it wasn’t long before they were streaming down her cheeks.

“Lizz,” He said quietly before wrapping her in a hug and holding her close. Her face was buried in his chest and she felt stupid for saying that now.

“I’ve got something to show you,” He smiled, slinging his arm around her shoulder and walking towards the huge ferris wheel.

They sat down in one of the carts and the guy shut the bar on top of them. Over the hells you could see the sun rising by the ocean. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

“Lizzy Bear?” Bryan spoke up. She turned her head. His eyes darted down to his feet and she let out a quiet giggle.

“It’s okay Bryan.”

His eyes looked back up at her. She shifted her weight around in the cart and he moved closer.

“I know your brother hates me,” He said cringing at the thought of that, “But I really really like you and it’s taking almost all of my strength not to kiss you right now.”

“He’s not here to stop you,” She smirked and took the chance, pressing her lips up against his.
♠ ♠ ♠
the end.